India CSR News Network
RISHIKESH: THDC India Limited (THDCIL) along with SEWA-THDC is participating in CSR Fair 2017 w.e.f. 4 to 6 May 2017 at Pragati Maidan New Delhi. Hon’ble Minister (HI&PE), Govt. of India – Anant Geete inaugurated the fair today at Delhi in the presence of Hon’ble MoS (HI&PE), Babul Supriyo.
Seema Bahuguna, Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises, GoI inaugurated the attractive stall of THDCIL along with SEWA-THDC at the fair showcasing the CSR interventions of THDCIL and the initiatives taken by company sponsored NGO SEWA-THDC. Sridhar Patra, Director(Finance) visited the THDCIL Stall.
S.R. Mishra, GM (S&E), Rajeshwar Giri, DGM (S&E), Sr. Manager (S&E) Sunil Shah and K.D.P. Dubey, Sr. Manager(CC) were also present on this occasion.
इसे भी पढ़िएः टीएचडीसीआईएल और सेवा टीएचडीसी ने सीएसआर फेयर में आकर्षक स्टॉल लगाया