कब पढ़ेंगे आप (When will you read) this is one of the book titled in order to make the young generation and people to know the importance of the education and reading books in order to make a better living as well as make a person humble.
Without knowledge there is no vision and without vision there is no brightness.
Once has to enlighten the mind by reading and gaining knowledge to improve themselves and the society.
Rusen Kumar, author of book is a successful knowledge entrepreneur. “Books are ornament for human. Books are valuable gift to the civilization. Let’s make the society aware of significance of book reading.”, says Rusen Kumar.
The book innovatively describes the significance of book reading. It is a great book to gift the children, and is relevant for everyone who want to achieve success.
- Book Title: कब पढ़ेंगे आप, 2019
- Author: Rusen Kumar
- Paperback: 172 pages
- Language: Hindi
- Size: 12.7 cm x 20.32 cm
- Publisher: Aditya Publications House
Place your order for the book. Click here: Aditya Publications House
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