MUMBAI (India CSR): Parul Soni, a finest mind in development and sustainability field in India, will be speaking at India ESG Summit on May 31 in Mumbai.
Parul Soni who is the Founder and Global Managing Partner of Thinkthrough Consulting will talk on Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, which is foundational to the core principles of ESG.
Parul has worked in over 54 countries with Fortune 500 companies, global alliances, industry associations, international development organizations and knowledge institutions.
The India ESG Summit, a global level conference on Environmental Social Governance will deliver a full day of expert-led sessions, keynote addresses, panel discussions and networking opportunities, providing a truly unique look at India’s evolving ESG landscape, and the tools and tactics needed to engage socially and responsible.
He has been working actively with fast-growing Indian entrepreneurial and global organisations for establishing and expanding their presence across South Asia. He has driven major programs in areas of regional development, cross-sectoral partnerships, institutional networks, women entrepreneurship, ed-tech, digital health, and e-commerce, across South Asia, particularly in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan.
Rusen Kumar, Founder, India CSR said that the talk of Parul Soni will increase the level of ESG and Sustainability knowledge of the august gathering. We welcome such distinguished leaders to the summit.
Parul Soni is a consummate professional with over 25 years of experience and expertise in international investment, bilateral and multilateral trade, cross-border policies, regional trade agreements and negotiations at national and international levels.
The India ESG Summit is India’s largest ESG and Sustainability forum which promises to be an opportunity for attendees to step back from the day-to-day and reset their thinking, reconnect with the industry leaders and experts, make new connections, and reignite their passion for their roles and organizations dealing with ESG, Sustainability, and CSR.
Parul has been working actively with fast-growing Indian entrepreneurial and global organisations for establishing and expanding their presence across South Asia.
He has driven major programs in areas of regional development, cross-sectoral partnerships, institutional networks, social protection, women entrepreneurship, women economic empowerment, ed-tech, digital health, and e-commerce, across South Asia, particularly in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan.
Prior to launching Thinkthrough Consulting in 2015, Parul was a Global Partner in EY and KPMG. He is also Founder and Secretary General of Association of Business Women in Commerce & Industry (ABWCI).
The India ESG Summit
A carefully curated speaker list from across the industry and shapers of future business. The pretentious forum brings together business and sectoral leaders of diverse backgrounds. This diversity of thinking and perspectives helps us see things differently. They help us generate better ideas and reach more balanced decisions.
This flagship summit will deliver a full day of expert-led sessions, keynote addresses, panel discussions and networking opportunities, providing a truly unique look at India’s evolving ESG landscape, and the tools and tactics needed to engage socially and responsible.
Don’t miss it
As learning is a core component in a rapidly changing world, attendees can expect real stories, human connection, inspiration, and new insights about ESG and Sustainability. Product training and industry best practice information will continue to be areas of focus for breakout sessions at the event, and learning is a core component in a rapidly changing world.
The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration landscape is evolving more quickly than ever in India. ESG considerations are now being adopted in the decision-making process to mitigate risks and identify opportunities.
“All ESG, Sustainability, and CSR champions are invited to attend this special conference. After the event goes viral, registration is now open.”, said Rusen Kumar, Editor, India CSR.
The global forum promises to be an opportunity for attendees to step back from the day-to-day and reset their thinking, reconnect with the industry leaders and experts, make new connections, and reignite their passion for their roles and organizations dealing with ESG, Sustainability, and CSR.
Also Read: India Sustainability Awards to be present at India ESG Summit, May 31 in Mumbai
The Largest ESG- Sustainability Forum in 2022
For those looking to check out India ESG Summit for the year 2022, we have posted the complete schedule, guest speakers, and partners list on our event website.
To be part of India’s largest ESG leaders gathering, register today.
India CSR invites esteemed corporate houses and service providers to be a lead sponsor of the India ESG Summit to take competitive advantage of this global forum.
Updates from India ESG Summit
Registration Details: India ESG Summit 2022 | Environmental – Social – Governance
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