Going unconventional once more in its approach, Saraf Furniture announces Reset & Recharge Policy as a pre-festive gift for its working staff. In an effort to prioritise the employee needs and the hectic festive schedule that lay ahead, the company declares a 12 day long festival break across the company. These 12 days leaves will start from Diwali which is on 4th November to 17th November 2021
The main aim is to create that connection bond between the company and the employees to make them feel at home with the company. Saraf Furniture with this initiative wants to build assurance and trust within the company by taking care of their unsaid needs.The 12 day break will run through the entire organisation. Every employee on payroll will be able to enjoy the vacation. Taking care of both employee’s and customers’ needs, the company will coordinate between outsourcing services like logistics, warehousing and make sure the customers are not affected in the process. Additionally, to smooth out the process, customer support team will be given leaves in parts.
Saraf Furniture have around 1500 employees on board. According to Raghunandan Saraf, Founder and CEO of Saraf Furniture said, “These people have helped us grow in our business and make our vision come true. The working staff is hugely responsible for us being successful in our endeavours. It becomes our duty to cater to their needs. It is a move to make them know, they are valuable to us.”
As of late, Saraf Furniture has also reported that it will recruit around 200-250 professionals from the LGBTQ+ people group in the Financial Year 2021-22. A definite arrangement is being cut out by the top administration of Saraf Furniture to establish a specialist board for the smooth execution of the whole recruiting measure. Also the company is in talks about their expansion plans. Soon Saraf Furniture will be expanding their offline presence in major cities across the country.