India CSR Network
NEW DELHI: To popularize Science Education among women the Department of Science and Technology has recently constituted a Standing Committee for Promoting Women in Science vide Office Memorandum dated 11 March 2016 to recommend special measures to ensure growth of women in science and to design programmes specifically for fostering, utilizing and supporting women in science.
The first meeting of Standing Committee is scheduled on 16 May 2016 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE) is another unique programme of Department of Science and Technology through which budgetary support is extended for strengthening S&T infrastructure and also to enhance research facilities in women only universities, in order to encourage Science and Technology education among women.
Ministry of Human Resource Development also launched UDAAN project to address the lower enrolment ratio of girl students in science and engineering colleges. The aim of UDAAN is to enrich and enhance teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics at Senior Secondary level by providing free and online resources to every girl, with a focus on special incentives and support to 1000 selected disadvantaged girls per year.
(Source: PIB)