New Delhi – Information Technology company Infosys Ltd has reported 69 complaints of sexual harassment at its India-based offices during the financial year 2018-19 (Apr-Mar) as against 77 complaints it received in a year ago period, the company said in its annual report.
The company took disciplinary action in 49 cases in FY19 as against 48 cases in the previous financial year.
Meanwhile, the company disposed-off five cases through conciliation this time in comparison to seven cases in FY18.
There were 11 cases where the company recorded major disciplinary issues, which was down from 15, reported during FY18.
The company received four complaints related to workplace harassment (major/minor sexual harassment) in March 2019, investigation process on which were still underway as on 30 Apr, the annual report states. This was lower than previous year’s figure of seven cases reported during the month of March.
For dealing with such issues, the company has implemented anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies that are applied on everyone who is involved in company’s operations.
It has constituted an Internal Committee (IC) at the development centers to consider and resolve sexual harassment complaints reported by women. The constitution of the IC is as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013. Half of the total members of the IC are women, annual report revealed.
The company has created forums including Hearing Employees and Resolving (HEAR), Anti-Sexual Harassment Initiative (ASHI), Whistleblower Policy (WB) to resolve such complaints.
As on 31 Mar, the company had 83, 671 permanent women employees who worked in its India and overseas offices. This is over 36% of the total workforce.
Among other employee related actions, the company has been working towards bridging the gender gap. Infosys recognises the need for greater diversity and inclusion at the workplace, it said in the report.