Looking to improve the performance and impact of your CSR initiatives? Are you looking for new approaches to help you with innovative CSR projectplanning? Do you want to link the CSR activities to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Irrespective of the role you play in CSR Division, Foundation, NGO, Consulting, Training or in any other functional role, you may like to build collective wisdom to address the above questions through some international CSR training programmes.
India CSR recognises Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a key component of inclusive and responsible businesses. In view of CSR (addressing and reporting) becoming mandatory in India, it is desirable for key stakeholders to formulate a CSR policy, and implement and monitor its effectiveness.
The high quality executive programme is the need of hour to train the executives of business and social organisations not only on the provisions of the Act and Rules but also to the best international CSR practices. In order to design and develop an effective CSR portfolio, one should try to understand regulatory framework and processes to formulate policies, methods for need-based assessment, approaches to stakeholder engagement, frameworks for implementation, methods for performance evaluation and statutory reporting. Creating clear understanding on Planning, Implementation and Reporting among corporate executives on CSR management is key to strategic CSR and Sustainability success.
India CSR, world’s largest CSR media and knowledge organisation, in collaboration with Wisdom in Practice Education (WIPE) has jointly launched International Executive Programme on Effective Management of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Wisdom in Practice Education – WIPE is a joint knowledge initiative of India CSR and WIPS, Estonia.
An International Certificate Executive Programme is 12-week long. The programmeis specifically designed for middle and senior managers of corporate foundations, CSR start-ups, Not-for-Profit organisations and also for those who are keen on responsible business and sustainability. The course will be conducted during January 09 – April 03, 2021 in the online mode. The sessions will be taken by world renowned faculties, thought leaders and industry experts from across the globe.
Alongside, the programme will go beyond the 2% expenditure on social –environmental initiatives and cover numerous aspects of the Business Responsibility Reporting (BRR), National Voluntary Guidelines, Responsible Financing and similar international practices.
The objective of the executive programme is to build a cadre of professionalswho would assist in effective development and implementation of CSR and relatedactivities of organizations for development that is sustainable in nature. Thiscourse would be relevant to the CSR leaders, senior and middle-level managers,practitioners and implementation partners, NGOs, students, etc.
The course will cover the essential aspects of CSR policy such as the Legislative Framework, CSR performance of companies and lessons learnt, Importance of Needs Based Assessment, good practices/case studies in CSR and alike. Additionally, various class exercises will be conducted on needs based assessment, tools and techniques for monitoring impact of CSR and planning and implementation of CSR.
The course will provide greater awareness and understanding of the CSR concept, the legislative framework and regulatory context (Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013), and global sustainability guidelines and standards, framework and tools to create a strategy; identify and engage with key stakeholders.
The programme will also help in understanding how to identify specificcommunity needs, opportunities and partnerships which make sense for yourcompany. The programme aims at developing skills for effective monitoring andmeasuring the impact of programmes for successful reporting on activities,community impacts and developing an effective external communications plan.
Key takeaways of the programme would be understanding of implementation frame work for CSR—Companies Act 2013 and CSR Rules 2014, international guidelines and best practices; implementation status-Challenges, risks, and learning; approach for identification of activities through needs assessment; Developing policy, planning and implementation, monitoring, measurement and evaluation of projects for outputs and outcomes; Success stories, assessment of capacity of implementing partners, grievances redress (processes and practices), Reporting guidelines.
Do send you expression of interest to biz@indiacsrnetwork.com or send you details through Google Form