NEW DELHI: Union Minister of State for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Y.S. Chowdary has said that Modi Government has been focusing on developing Green technologies since it came to power over a year back. Inaugurating a National Conference on Climate Change in New Delhi recently. He said developing countries are more affected by global warming, though it is otherwise most talked about subject in the developed world. He said India with its vast coast line is facing the impact of climate change, which continues to happen on a global.
A National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), being implemented in India, subsumes national missions on Solar Energy, on enhancing energy efficiency and on sustainable habitat and it aims to mitigate hardships for the more vulnerable sections of the society, Y.S.Chowdary added.
The minister said, the future would depend on actions to be taken now and in near future, including fulfilling of international obligations. This involves reduced dependence on fossil fuels, increasing use of clean and renewable energy and implementation of other policies aimed at preventing further adverse climate changes.
He called for an integrated approach wherein governmental organisations, corporates, banking institutes, investors and NGOS would find Indianised solutions for economic sustainability and for developing green technologies to meet demands of rural India.
The conference organised by the ASSOCHAM discussed- Mitigation Initiatives & Adaptation Challenges; Convergence Action Agenda on the subject of Climate Change Innovative solutions to improve coordination amongst various agencies to forge convergence on climate related activities by multiple stakeholders were also discussed.
Eivind S.Homme, Ambassador of Norway to India, Shri Francois Richier, Ambassador, of France, Mahesh Babu, Managing Director, IL & FS Environmental Infrastructure & Services Limited, Neeraj Singh of Yes Bank, Dr. K D Gupta, Chairman, ASSOCHAM National Council on Climate Change and several experts on the subject participated in today’s conference.
Issues on the need for reaching a consensus to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on reducing emissions at the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) and on Kyoto Protocol (CMP 11), to be held in Paris, France from 30th November to 11th December, 2015 also came up for discussion at the conference.
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