IndiaCSR News Network
NEW DELHI: SAGE publication’s New book ‘Environment and Fiscal Reforms in India’ by D K Srivastava and K S Kavi Kumar advocates, how protection and improvement of environment is a constitutional responsibility cast on every citizen, the state governments and the central Govt. alike.
There is a rising outcry over air pollution these days. Every newspaper is brimming with the information about how the condition has deteriorated over the years. A concern which is not restricted to any particular state in India.
Infact In most of the Indian cities, the annual average concentrations of respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) reflecting presence of particulate matter exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
The reasons for high particulate matter levels are vehicles, engine gensets, small-scale industries (SSIs), biomass incineration, boilers and emission from power plants, suspension of traffic dust, and commercial and domestic use of fuels. Pollution has serious implications for economic growth and welfare because of its impact on health, resource depletion and natural calamities linked to climate change.
The book provides an overview of the environmental concerns facing India and makes an argument in favour of integrating eco-taxes (ETs) and eco-subsidies in the emerging GST framework.
The discussion in the book, also focuses on the choice of polluting inputs and outputs that could be targeted for levying additional green taxes in India. Thereby, develop a coordinated intergovernmental approach to tackle issues of pollution in the light of India’s growth requirements while keeping pollution within acceptable limits.
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