MOGA: PNB MetLife, one of the top 10 private life insurance companies in India (Fiscal 2018), launched its CSR initiative Damini today. The Initiative focuses on supporting and empowering underprivileged girls and women in Semi Urban and Rural India. Under the initiative “ Damini” PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. will support initiatives across various life stages from girl child to women.
PNB MetLife in its endeavour to aid and stand by in all the life-stages of women, is focusing on girl child education, providing knowledge to girls on sexual abuse, menstrual hygiene and bringing financial empowerment to rural women by providing them with skills to be self- reliant & financially independent.
As a first step towards empowering the underprivileged girls, today we launched our first initiative in partnership with Nanhi Kali to support 1000 underprivileged girls in Moga district of Punjab.
Education is critical to bring about change in society’s mindset and provide equal opportunities to all. Given the grim situation of girls in our country where female literacy rate is only 65% at the national level and 46% in the rural areas, with dropout rates of girls as high as 50% before Grade 10, PNB MetLife wanted to offer support and bridge the gender education gap.
PNB MetLife believes that educating a girl, leads to overall improvement in the quality of life not just for the girl child, but also her family
PNB MetLife’s Damini initiative will support and educate 2000 girls from the government schools of Moga and Varanasi. The initiative includes engaging with girls through concept based learning, cooperative learning and bi-annual assessment and evaluation. They will also be provided with a school supplies kit that will include school bag, uniform, stationery and hygiene products. In order to tackle drop-outs, Nanhi Kali, our partner will be recording and monitoring their progress to keep a tab on absenteeism. These regular checks will help in timely interventions in case there are issues faced by the girls. Volunteers will also engage with parents of these beneficiaries and important stakeholders in the community to build awareness and sensitise these influencers to change negative mind-sets and attitudes towards the girl child.
Announcing this partnership, Nipun Kaushal, Chief Marketing Officer, PNB MetLife said, “PNB MetLife Life Insurance Co Ltd. is committed to give back to the community with the launch of its CSR initiative Damini. Even today women and girls continue to face multiple barriers based on gender in the equal enjoyment of the right to quality education. We believe that educating a girl, leads to overall improvement in the quality of life not just for her, but also her family. Through the partnership with Project Nanhi Kali, we strive to address this issue. This is indeed a major step that we have taken in our endeavour to aid and stand by women, in all their life-stages and thereby developing a safe and conducive eco-system for them.”
Sheetal Mehta, Executive Director and Trustee – Nanhi Kali said, “There is enough evidence to show that education of girls leads to huge benefits for the nation, from improvement in nutrition and health to reduction in child marriages. Given that India fares poorly in the global gender education gap, there is a dire need for corporates to invest their CSR funds in girls’ education. We are extremely grateful to PNB MetLife for partnering with Project Nanhi Kali and choosing to support girls in Moga and Varanasi – both of which are areas where girls face immense challenges due to traditional patriarchal mindsets. This partnership will give 2,000 underprivileged girls the opportunity to attend school with dignity and complete 10 years of basic schooling.”
PNB MetLife is committed to giving back to the society and has been continually offering support to the underprivileged children through its various initiatives over the years. From scholarships for talented underprivileged children to pursue their dream of excelling in Badminton to education and development of children across the districts of Baramullah, Bandipora, Srinagar,and Pulwana, PNB MetLife has always remained committed towards working for the welfare of the children who need support at grass roots level.