Vedanta Limited has spent Rs 151 crore on its Covid-19 initiatives till now, and has reached out to more than 7 lakh community members across 7 states in the past one month, the company said.
As part of a strategy to support the local community during lockdown and fight against Covid-19, company is focusing on innovative solutions to support the poor and the marginalized sections.
In a move aimed at supporting frontline healthcare workers and doctors during Covid19 times, Vedanta has enabled mass production of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) in Gurugram.
The Company has imported 23 PPE machines recently in collaboration with the Ministry of Textiles, and has teamed up with authorised apparel manufacturers to roll out over 5000 PPEs per day.
PPEs are a critical gear for healthcare workers and India, like most other countries, is working overtime to procure PPEs for the safety of its health workers. It has so far produced around 15,000 PPEs.
The company has also provided more than 3.5 lakh masks through its Business Units to the local communities and has handed over another 2 lakh N95 masks to the Ministry of Health.
Vedanta Chairman, Anil Agarwal said, “India has shown tremendous resilience in fighting the impact of Covid-19. We have earned goodwill from the world for supplying critical medicines to many countries. I am confident that we will rise above this setback. We are working towards creating a New India and will help create a self-reliant economy as the Lockdown lifts in a calibrated manner.