BENGALURU: Bengaluru’s first-ever ‘Sports Festival’, which aims to inculcate sports as a culture and make it inclusive to the lifestyle of the city – Bengaluru Sports Festival (BSF) – is taking shape under the aegis of the Sports Excellence Trust.
The first edition of the sports festival will be hosted at the Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports Excellence on December 8-9, 2018.
This unique festival is the idea of some of the brightest brains of Bengaluru simply for their love for sports.
The sports event aims to celebrate sports culture for the city by encouraging residents to take part in several sports, interactive, health and fitness initiatives. It is open for all age groups and will witness the participation of over 20,000 sports enthusiasts. Nearly 100 sports personalities and city celebrities are expected to join the festival.
The two-day carnival will host workshops emphasising the growing impact of sports in one’s life, the benefits of sports in our society and how people are coming forward to pursue sports as a career choice. Highlighting the importance of proper exercise and maintaining a good diet, the carnival will also have food and nutrition workshop by fitness experts.