New Delhi – Voltas Ltd advised its vendors to start using card boards for Packaged Air conditioners (PAC) and Ductable Split Units (DSU) and eliminate the use of plastic for packing.
Further, in order to eliminate the use of wooden packing, reusable steel pallets were used for transportation of coils from Thane to Dadra.
The Company has well-defined standard operating procedures for sourcing.
Moreover, packaging of the product is done using 50 micron and reusable plastic ploy bags. There is no use of wooden pellets.
The company only uses recyclable boxes for the packaging and procures sheet metal parts, plastic parts, gaskets, cooling coils, stainless steel tanks and water cooler panels from local vendors.
India’s annual plastic consumption is expected to cross 2 crore tonnes in 2020. India consumes an estimated 1.65 crore tonnes of plastic annually, as per a report.
In all, 80 percent of total plastic produced in India is discarded. It mostly ends up choking landfills, drains and rivers and flows into the sea where it is ingested by marine animals. It leaches into soil and water, contaminating the natural environment with poisonous dioxins.
In this regard, India CSR, the largest news network on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability in India is organising Plastic Waste Dialogue on August 27, 2019 in New Delhi in association with Gonative and United Way India Plog Run, which involves some of the most reputable and competent national and world-renowned speakers from industries, CSR, non-profit organizations, international agencies, academia, and research organisations.
Furthermore, in an effort to encourage healthier environmental practices, Voltas also launched various energy saving and eco-friendly products, over the years.