KHUSHI presents a story of a small child who uses to beg on busy traffic signals and how she was saved from begging. A true example of Vedanta Khushi – Care for the Underprivileged Children.
Arundhati from Delhi
Delhi has been famous for its traffic more than anything else. Especially when you are traveling in your own vehicle, most of your time is spent on the traffic signals. And no matter how hard you try to avoid the beggars on the traffic signals; they will keep on knocking the window of your car.
Till now, I have kept on ignoring them but few days back it happened that I was coming back from the office in my car with a bad mood and waiting on the signal made it worse. Just then, a small girl, about 6-7 year old in ragged clothes came by my side and started begging. I ignored her once but she didn’t move and kept on asking for the money. It was a sudden outburst and I yelled on her on the top of my voice. The girl got scared and started crying. Usually I maintain my temper but that day, somehow I couldn’t control myself.
I felt guilty and realized that it’s not her mistake; she is being forced to do it. I took out a toffee from my purse and gave it to her. When she got normal, I asked her name and where her parents were. She told me that her name is Laali and pointed towards her parents who were sitting across the road on the pavement. I parked my car on the side and went with Laali to a dose to her parents.
While crossing the road, somewhere back of my mind I was thinking about Delhi, being the capital of nation and with lot of development, it is still fighting the menace of beggars, particularly on the road crossings.
My temper got very high when I saw her parents sitting on the roadside, counting the money, probably being gathered by Laali, and doing nothing. My complete outburst came on them and I shouted not realizing that people are gathered around us. I scolded them for making Laali beg on the roads, shameful, how can you ask a girl as small as 6-7 years to beg. My sudden anger took them by surprise. They simply said, they are not educated and no one gives them work. They too tried begging but people are more emotional towards children.
I asked Laali’s father, that I will not allow Laali to beg and if his work was the issue, come and clean my cars. I could even get him more cars to clean of the colony and he could earn Rs 2000-3000 per month. He agreed with a silent face. The next morning, I was not expecting him but he came. I told him that he can work on only one condition; he has to enroll Laali in the nearby Government school.
He looked at me and went towards my car and started cleaning. I repeated question, his reply came in a low tone, like an apology, he said – ‘Laali has not been begging since yesterday evening’.
Care for the Underprivileged Children