United Way of Baroda launched vaccination drive for senior citizens to fight against COVID-19 in collaboration with Alembic Pharmaceuticals and Bhailal Amin General Hospital.
Vaccination drive was launched on 19th March 2021 for the month of April 2021 under Gold Card Project for the senior citizens by United Way of Baroda in collaboration with Alembic Pharmaceutical and Bhailal Amin General Hospital.
The purpose of launching this drive is to assist elderlies to fight against COVID-19 by providing them vaccination sessions. Total 595 members will be registered for vaccination drive.
The Gold Card Project is a program running since more than two decades to provide a hazzle free life to senior citizens of Vadodara. The project will bear the cost of one dose of vaccination for senior citizens and provide pick-up and drop facility from home for vaccination. The collaborative campaign will provide support for registration and as well help desk for frequently asked questions (FAQs) on call as well at the vaccination centre. Vaccination centre is kept at Alembic School to take care of COVID guidelines.
Under this initiate, UWB is urging to all the Gold and Platinum members including members who are comorbidities to get registered under the norms provided along with submitting their documents. Till date total 120 senior citizens got registered and are counting is still going on.
Team will approach the members personally after taking the first/second dosage of the vaccine to fix the date of the vaccine. A dedicated volunteer will assist the senior citizens throughout the vaccination session. Expert Medical team from Bhailal Amin General Hospital will be available to solve the queries related to the pre-vaccination drive and registration support.
Verbatims from the beneficiaries:
Vaiju Mehta, being Gold Card member, and registered under vaccination drive, while conveying his words of appreciation to Dr. Binita Verdia– Deputy Director- UWB, quoted ‘’COVID-19 has haunted each and every individual. This pandemic affects the old age individuals more than the other age group. I am highly touched by this initiative of vaccination drive by UWB. This initiative has made ease for us to receive vaccine from our doorstep in order to fight against COVID-19. I am way beyond grateful to UWB for such a great program.’’