IndiaCSR News Network
NEW DELHI: IndiaCSR is going to organize the India Sanitation Summit & Awards on Sanitation & Toilet issues and the Summit titled ‘Sanitation for all – Toilet First’.
The India Toilet Summit 2015 ‘Sanitation for All – Toilet First’ will take place on February 6, 2015 at Lakshmipat Singhania Auditorium, PHD Chamber House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi. Contact: or 9981099555
Visit the website of the event for the full detail.
For the technology, products and service providers in the area of sanitation and toilet, it is an excellent opportunity to showcase their innovation, innovative product, services and advancements. kindly visit
The summit is aligned to ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ (Clean India Initiative) of our visionary Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. IndiaCSR is an active participant of this noble mission to support and create national level forum to discuss various issues related to the toilet and sanitation, health, education, women empowerment and behavioral change for wider social good.
Objective of the Summit & Awards
Recognize of importance of sanitation and toilets in improving human health and priorities it in the development strategies.
Maximize collective efforts and resources to improve access to basic sanitation through public private partnerships, business, governments and NGOs.
Ensure equitable allocation of resources to reach the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable segment of population.
Facilitate active discussions on evolving sanitation practices to ensure mission oriented strategies and adoption of policies.
Adopt sector targeting approaches based on scientific research on sanitation and toilet design.
To actualize the achievements of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target to reduce by half the proportion of the 2.6 billion people without access to basic sanitation by 2015.
“We believe that the summit would highlight the problems allied with lack of sanitation facilities and toilets and would also make resolutions to achieve Nation Sanitation Goals by 2019 as a tribute to the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, by eliminating the unhealthy practice of open defecation. Indian Government has envisioned a great mission to develop separate toilets for boys and girls in every school in the country, by 15th of August 2015.”, Rusen Kumar, Director, IndiaCSR Group said.
“The India Sanitation Summit will involve some of the most reputed and competent Indian and International speakers from government and private sectors, research agencies, innovators, social scientists and thought leaders dealing in sanitation and toiletries industries in the country. There will be 30 speakers and more than 200 participants projected in this exclusive summit.”, Rusen Kumar added.
The Summit would provide a forum to initiate a dialogue and enlighten the delegates on various issues related to sanitation, toilet movement, woman empowerment, women dignity and girl child education etc.
The summit provides excellent networking opportunities with leading professionals from Govt. Corporate Social Responsibility professionals, NGOs leaders, corporate professionals and other experts.
You will also have the opportunity to turn your biggest challenges into your greatest accomplishments when you learn from the experts, leaders and distinguished attendees.
A number of research agencies, social scientists and thought leaders dealing in sanitation and toilet issues from the country will be participating in the summit. More than 20 speakers and 200 participants are expected to gather in this one day summit.
India Sanitation Summit invites your active participation and solicits inputs from you in terms of ideas, thoughts, innovations and strategies to help make our country a better place to live in.
The summit invites:
Thought Leaders
Policy Makers
Experts in the area of Sanitation, water, environment, education and woman empowerment
People involved in strategic planning and operational functions
Decision makers involved in planning and execution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects
Leaders from projects and developmental agencies
Leaders from project implementation agencies in the area of sanitation and toilet
Leaders from Product Innovations and technology providers and manufactures
Leaders from NGOs, NPOs, Corporate Foundations, Trusts
Social entrepreneurs and
Any person dedicated towards a positive social change for this greater cause.
The India Sanitation Summit is going to be 1st Summit of its kind in India, which will address one of the most important basic issues of our Indian Society. The summit is committed to bring some of the most renowned and competent speakers and experts from across the globe. A number of research agencies, social scientists and thought leaders dealing in sanitation and toilet issues from the country will be participating in the summit. More than 20 speakers and 200 participants are expected to gather in this one day summit.
To be become a partner, speaker, sponsor or participant to support ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’, please call:
M: +91 (0) 99810 99555