By Vikas Meshram
Climate change means the global warming crisis, which the media and environmental protection organizations have been constantly warning about, is now becoming a reality. The irony is that neither policymakers are serious about the seriousness of this crisis, nor is there a great lack of public awareness. How big is the crisis of climate change, it has been revealed by the report of the global organization Cross Dependency Initiative. The organization conducts logical analyzes of physical climate risks focused on the built environment in all countries and regions of the world. In fact, fifty sensitive areas have been selected by assessing the impact of climate change on our crops, climate and water resources. It is a matter of concern that after the US and China, all states in India have been included in the crisis list. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Kerala are also included in this list.
It has been predicted that climate change will have a serious impact on the global warming crisis in this state and it has warned that it may create a challenge for the country’s food security. Considering the seriousness of this problem, there is a need to devise a strategy to face this challenge at the national level. Even at a time when economic disparity is steadily increasing in the country, we have to be aware of the crisis created by climate change. In fact, the worst hit by this crisis is the weaker sections of the society and occupations like agricultural labour.
In fact, there is a need for a joint campaign by the Center and the states against this serious problem and awareness among the farmers and common people. It is no secret that the productivity of our crops decreases due to increasing temperature. As the production and quality of foodgrains decrease due to increasing temperature, the farmers are worried and the farmers are depressed.
In such a situation, our agronomists need to come forward. Along with this, there is a need to take the research that has been done in the laboratories till now to the farmers. The way the world’s carbon-emitting developed countries have been apathetic in this direction for decades is certain to see no change anytime soon. In such a situation we have to promote green energy, avoid fossil energy and promote nature friendly policies. Our consumerist culture and human intervention in the cycle of nature has added to the problem.
In such a situation, planting trees and increasing green areas has to be prioritized. Abnormal changes in climate will also adversely affect our traditional water resources. Special attention should be paid to the conservation of water resources to secure the future of future generations. It is certain that as the temperature rises, the water resources begin to shrink.
A similar crisis is emerging in many metropolitan cities of the country. On the other hand, wheat, pulses and oilseeds are likely to be affected by the recent unexpected rise in temperature. Not only this, our seasonal fruits can also come under its influence. Along with quality, climate change is having an impact on productivity. Nowadays, the April weather we are experiencing in March should be considered the sound of climate threats.
About the Author

Vikas Parasram Meshram is a social worker and activities working towards the rights of tribal and marginalized communities.