Mumbai (India CSR): Vedanta Aluminium Business has recycled 14 billion litres of water as of January 2022 in FY 21-22, leveraging advanced technologies for focused control and monitoring of water consumption, the company said.
The company which produced 1.97 million tonnes of aluminium in FY21, Its water sustainability efforts are guided by a Water Management Policy.
In line with the company’s commitment to the 6th UN Sustainable Development Goal – Clean Water and Sanitation, the company strives to fulfill its water sustainability goals in three ways – increasing water reutilization, reducing freshwater consumption, and ensuring zero liquid discharge from operations, a statement said.
The comapny is also working with local communities and farmers in the regions where it operates to construct water harvesting and conservation infrastructures for perennial water supply.
The company has undertaken robust measures to optimize water consumption across its value-chain and increase the share of recycled and reused water, the company said.
Working in the realm of sustainable livelihoods and climate impact mitigation, the company is building and rejuvenating hundreds of community water infrastructures like tube wells, bore wells, ponds, farm ponds, percolation tanks, etc. to help communities get perennial access to water for household and irrigation purposes.
The company is helping local farming communities adopt drip-irrigation, treadle pump, solar powered water pumps, rainwater harvesting structures like percolation tanks, etc. to boost irrigation potential and reduce dependency on monsoons for cropping.
It also providing trainings to communities on growing climate-resilient crops for improving yield in the face of irregular climactic conditions.