The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has recently blown the lid off a sprawling illegal offshore gambling operation stemming from the Mahadev betting app case. At the epicenter of this mammoth scandal are Saurabh Chandrakar, the primary accused, and his accomplice Ravi Uppal, who are alleged to be the brains behind a staggering 60 illicit offshore gambling platforms.
Extending Beyond the Mahadev App:
While the Mahadev app was the most notorious, investigations reveal that Chandrakar’s dark web of operations spanned far beyond. The Free Press Journal unearthed that other platforms such as “Fair Play” and “Ready Anna” were also under Chandrakar’s wing. With celebrities like Ranbir Kapoor being used for promotions, the gambling platforms attracted a vast number of unwitting participants.
Other Key Platforms:
- Laser Book: A direct offshoot of the Mahadev app, Laser Book was intricately linked with multiple other betting platforms, including 99 Exchange, 11x Play, Play 247win, and LC Play 247. All these apps, interestingly, had Chandrakar’s imprint.
- Tiger Exchange: Adopting a similar playbook, this platform flaunted endorsements from well-known figures like Nil Nitin Mukesh, Krishna, Nia Sharma, and cricketer Sikander Raza.
- Lotus 365: This platform, boasting of a casino license, prominently featured actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui as its brand ambassador.
Celebrity Endorsements: Enticements and Implications
Prominent names from the entertainment world have now been dragged into this controversy. Choreographer Farah Khan, actresses Kajal Aggarwal, Sunny Leone, Sohfi Chaudhry, and Krystal Dsouza, among others, were found promoting these platforms. They allured users with captivating promises, most notably the capability to cash out their winnings in a mere two minutes.
Also Read: Kapil Sharma, Ranbir Kapoor And Shraddha Kapoor Connection To Mahadev Betting Scandal I India CSR
The Intricate Web: Different Names, Similar Functions
According to ED officials, despite having varying domain names, all these platforms were eerily similar in application. Chandrakar’s evident ambition was to democratize betting, making it effortlessly available to any individual irrespective of their location.
Call Centers: The Backend Operation
Chandrakar’s vast operations didn’t just rest with the apps. He had established call centers in Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the UAE. These centers played a pivotal role in analyzing potential clients and directing them to relevant game operators. The scale of profitability from these ventures was colossal, with Chandrakar reportedly raking in over Rs 150 crore post expenses.
Upcoming Actions: ED Tightens the Noose
With the revelations coming to the forefront, ED is now gearing up to send summons to every individual associated with the case. The list doesn’t end with the known celebrities. The investigation has also pinpointed more than 34 A-list stars who graced Chandrakar’s grand party in September 2022. Names like Sanjay Dutt, Sonu Soodh, Sonakshi Sinha, and Sara Ali Khan are now under the scanner.
The Ethical Dilemma: Celebrities and Their Role
The revelations have reignited the age-old debate about the responsibilities of celebrities and influencers. The sheer magnitude of this scandal, bolstered by the participation of A-list celebrities, underscores the potential influence they wield over their vast audiences.
Blind Trust or Calculated Involvement?
While some argue that celebrities may have been innocently roped into promoting these platforms without a thorough understanding of their operations, others contend that the figures involved should have exercised greater due diligence before associating with any brand or platform. With substantial remuneration often at play, the lines between innocent association and willing participation become blurred.
Rising Concern: The Digital Betting Arena
The Mahadev betting app scandal has spotlighted the broader issues plaguing the rapidly growing digital betting industry. Without stringent regulations and monitoring, these platforms can easily lure unsuspecting users, leading to potential financial and mental health repercussions.
Legislative Changes on the Horizon?
Lawmakers are now under pressure to revisit and tighten the regulations surrounding online gambling and betting. The current scenario might act as a catalyst for more stringent laws, ensuring a safer digital betting environment and minimizing the chances of such colossal frauds in the future.
Public Outcry and Repercussions
The public’s reaction has been a mix of shock, anger, and disillusionment. Fans of the implicated celebrities are grappling with disbelief, while others are demanding accountability. Boycott campaigns against the celebrities and platforms involved have already started gaining momentum on social media.
Brands that had endorsement deals with the involved celebrities are now reevaluating their contracts, with some already severing ties to safeguard their reputation.
What Lies Ahead?
As the Enforcement Directorate continues its rigorous probe, more revelations are anticipated in the coming weeks. The investigation’s outcome will not only determine the fate of those implicated but could also reshape the landscape of digital gambling in India.
The scandal serves as a potent reminder of the perils lurking in the vast digital world. It underscores the urgent need for consumers to be cautious and for authorities to be ever-vigilant. Only through collective awareness and action can such illicit operations be thwarted and a safer digital ecosystem be fostered for all.
(India CSR)