INDIACSR News Network
KORBA: NTPC Ltd. Korba Super Thermal Power Station, Korba (NTPC Korba) is located in the State of Chhattisgarh and is generating electricity using coal as primary fuel. The source of the raw coal is Gevra Mines of M/s. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL). The installed capacity of the power station is 2600 MW. The approximate quantity of ash being produced annually is 60 LMT out of which approx. 50 LMT is the fly ash.
To explore disposal by railway wagons, NTPC Korba invited Expression of Interest (EOI) for short listing of agencies for disposal of fly ash. The interested agencies having long term demand of large quantity of fly ash may participate in the short listing process. Dry fly ash shall be made available free of cost from existing system of ash Silos/ESP Hopper on “as available basis” for a period of 10 years out of which first 3 years fly ash would be supplied on free of cost basis with a provision to review after 3 years . The railway track of siding available at NTPC Korba for transportation of coal, oil and other necessary materials to the power station shall be allowed for transportation of ash from NTPC Korba.
The agencies in their own interest, before submission of EOI, may visit the NTPC Korba site to explore the possibility of infrastructure development to facilitate ash lifting in Rly. wagons & to make themselves conversant with the site conditions.
(13 September 2012)