In a world defined by geopolitical complexities and international conflicts, Kunio Hara, the President of the Ho-Me-I-Ku Foundation, addressed United Nations officials on September 12, 2023, with a message that could redefine the global landscape of leadership and productivity. Hara’s vision is grounded in a simple yet profound philosophy: “People are born to be praised, and we exist to praise each other.” This address was not just a speech; it was a call to action for leaders in world politics and prominent figures to consider the transformative potential of praise.
The Vision of Unity Through Praise
Hara’s vision offers an unconventional yet compelling perspective. In a world often characterized by competition and power struggles, his message is a plea for unity. He envisions a future where world leaders openly acknowledge and appreciate each other’s efforts and contributions, transcending differences and promoting mutual understanding.
The ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku’ Method: A Paradigm Shift in Leadership
Kunio Hara’s vision is underpinned by the “Ho-Me-I-Ku” method, which revolves around the Japanese word “Ho-me-ru,” meaning “wishing prosperity and happiness for others.” This method aims to cultivate a culture of mutual appreciation, not only for achievements but also for the entire process. Its success is reflected in the remarkable improvements seen in over 500 companies across 20 countries, which have witnessed increased sales and overall business performance.
A Global Movement Recognized by Leaders
Kunio Hara’s message has gained global recognition. He is a regular contributor to, offering valuable insights into the transformative power of praise. As a TEDx speaker with millions of views, his message has touched the lives of individuals worldwide. He has been interviewed by prestigious publications, including The Japan Times, an affiliate of The New York Times. Notably, his philosophy, ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku,’ has been featured on NHK, Japan’s largest broadcaster, and is even taught as a subject in technical colleges.
The Personal Journey Behind ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku’
Kunio Hara’s commitment to this vision is deeply personal. A visit to Cambodia revealed a stark reality—children who had gone their entire lives without a word of praise. Raised in an environment where praise was abundant, Hara’s shock at this disparity compelled him to act. His mission is to ensure that everyone experiences the transformative power of praise.
A Beacon of Hope Amid Global Challenges
In a world struggling with rising depression rates, economic turmoil, and social isolation, ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku’ offers hope. It’s a cost-effective method that empowers individuals to become the agents of positivity they long for. Kunio Hara believes that ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku’ can be the beacon that brightens our world, making praise a universally accessible resource.
Joining the Transformative Movement
Kunio Hara’s ultimate dream is to make “We are born and exist to praise each other” one of the guiding principles for our planet. He invites significant leaders and prominent figures in world politics to join this extraordinary movement. By adopting ‘Ho-Me-I-Ku’ and endorsing this transformative message, leaders can be at the forefront of building a world defined by positivity, understanding, and collaboration.
In a world filled with complex challenges, Kunio Hara’s vision offers a path toward a brighter future. Can leaders and influential figures respond to this call for unity and embrace the power of praise as a force that can unite and transform the world of international leadership and productivity?