This programme provided for (i) setting up new schools in habitations, which do not have school, (ii) strengthening infrastructure in the existing schools (iii) posting of additional teachers (iv) training of teachers (v) developing teaching materials and strengthening supervision (vi) provision of life skills (vii) special focus on girl’s education (viii) children with special needs as well as (ix) use of computer. Separately Mid Day Meal in Schools (MDM) programme was launched (1995) for enhancing enrollment, retention and attendance in the primary schools and improving the nutritional levels of the students.
Contents and financial provision on these programmes had seen phenomenal rise in the subsequent years. This is evident from the fact that Rs 56,536 crores were provided in the Union budget (2019-20) of the Department of School Education and Literacy for these purposes, including Rs 36,322 crores for SSA and Rs 11,000 cores for MDM.
Inclusion of the amount spent by the State Governments will further enhance this. Coverage of 24.78 crores children enrolled in 15.5 lakhs government and non-government schools with 94.16 lakh teachers (in 2018-19) indicate the magnitude of this intervention.
Notwithstanding the coverage, quality of the elementary education continues to be a matter of concern. A recent study indicates that only 36.8 % of the five year old children in government school can do basic maths. Further only 16% of children in Class 1 can read the text, while almost 40% cannot even recognise letters.