New Delhi – Fast moving consumer goods company Hindustan Uniliver Ltd (HUL) generated electricity by processing approximately 15,000 tn of plastic waste during the year 2018-19 (Apr-Mar), the company said in its annual report.
In addition to this, HUL collected approximately 5,000 tn of post-consumer use plastic waste and disposed it safely. It used the remaining plastic waste for co-processing in Cement Kilns, the report said.
This 20,000 tn of plastics was collected from 20 cities across the country, it said.
The company which claims to have committed to make 100% of its plastic packaging reusable, recyclable/compostable by 2025, is expecting to get 25% of all the plastic it uses from recycled sources by this time.
HUL is also working closely with the government and other partners such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for end-to-end pilot projects for plastic waste management, it said in the report.
HUL is creating awareness on waste segregation and recycling among school children and people in housing societies through ‘Plastic Safari’ initiative.
India CSR, the largest news network on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in India, is organising Plastic Waste Dialogue on 27 Aug in New Delhi in association with Gonative and United Way India Plog Run.
The Dialogue will involve some of the most reputed and competent national and world-renowned speakers from industries, CSR, non-profit organisations, international agencies, academia, and research organisations.
In all, 80 percent of total plastic produced in India is discarded. It mostly ends up choking landfills, drains and rivers and flows into the sea where it is ingested by marine animals. It leaches into soil and water, contaminating the natural environment with poisonous dioxins.
Effective management of plastic waste therefore is crucial to do away with environmental hazard caused by plastics.
A nationwide Plogging Campaign will be announced at the dialogue.