HCL Grant Symposiums aim to bring together NGOs, Government, Corporates, and Policymakers across India on one platform to develop a regional and a sectoral understanding of CSR (corporate social responsibility) and deliberate upon how it can contribute toward the development agenda of the nation.
NEW DELHI: HCL Foundation said that it has invested Rs. 900 crores in CSR in the last 11 years. It has launched the eighth edition of a grant scheme with a commitment of Rs. 16.5 crores.
The idea of the HCL Grant is to recognize the work of NGOs contributing to social growth and development and also to stay engaged with them to achieve the desired impact, the statement said.
Rs. 95.75 crores have been committed through HCL Grant till the seventh edition, while Rs. 52 crore funds have already been deployed, the foundation said.
“We have partnered with 41 NGO partners, out of which 18 NGOs have won Rs. 5 crores each and 23 NGOs have won Rs. 25 lakh each for their respective projects.”, the foundation said.
“HCL Grant has seen a significant increase in registrations. From 2016 onwards, 35000 Registrations and 7500 applications were received under HCL Grant.”, it said.
HCL Foundation (HCLF), the CSR (corporate social responsibility) arm of HCL Technologies, recently hosted the HCL Grant pan India Symposium for NGOs in Delhi NCR and neighboring states.
Through this symposium, HCL Foundation reached out to the NGOs on CSR mandate, challenges, and opportunities in the local area development, Proposal Writing, and Project Management.
The symposium encouraged them to apply for the HCL Grant 2022. The state has many good NGOs working in Education, Health, and Environment, which could benefit from the symposium.
The forum comprised a panel discussion on ‘The role of NGOs in shaping the emerging ESG narrative in India’ also.
HCL Foundation firmly believes in the power of grassroots empowerment. The HCL Grant Symposium Series – ‘CSR for Nation Building’ – is one such opportunity that enables us to engage, co-learn, and co-create ideas for sustained nation-building from the ground up, the foundation said.
“The HCL Grant Pan-India Symposiums bring together NGOs, government, corporates, and policymakers from across India on one platform to interact and develop regional and a sectoral understanding of CSR and deliberate upon how to contribute toward nation-building, it further added.
“65 symposiums had already been conducted under HCL Grant, out of which 22 were e-symposiums, and 34 were conducted in person and were attended by 11,000 participants. Nearly 11,34,498 people benefitted.”, the foundation claimed.
(India CSR)