The Central Vista project involves erecting a new Parliament building and transforming open public spaces into landscaped areas, complete with bridges and utility infrastructure, spanning the entirety of Rajpath, also known as Central Vista Avenue. “Has the Central Vista Project Inflicted Environmental Damage? Uncover 5 Essential Facts Everyone Must Understand.
Environmental Impact Assessments
1. What kind of environmental impact assessments were conducted before the initiation of the Central Vista Project?
According to the official website of the Central Vista Project, environmental sustainability is at the core of the project, with a comprehensive plan to use centralised systems and infrastructure, promote the use of public transport and have upgradeable technology, systems and services. The projects will result in an overall increase in green cover.
However, some urban experts and environmentalists have raised concerns about the lack of a cumulative impact assessment and a public hearing for the project, which they say are mandatory under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.
They have also questioned the validity of the environmental clearance granted by an expert appraisal committee (EAC) to the project in December 2020, without considering the impact of the new Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), which was not part of the original proposal. They have urged the union environment minister to review the clearance and ensure transparency and public participation in the project.
Noise Pollution
2. Has the construction activity related to the Central Vista Project led to an increase in air and noise pollution levels in the area?
The construction activity related to the Central Vista Project may have some impact on the air and noise pollution levels in the area, but the contractors are required to take some mitigative measures to curb them, according to the tender documents.
These include installing air purifiers, using latest techniques for instant demolition of existing structures, managing construction and demolition waste, and keeping construction noise under preset thresholds.
The environment ministry’s expert appraisal committee has also directed the developer to ensure no air pollution is caused during the demolition of existing structures while granting environment clearance to the project.
Green Space
3. Were any trees or green spaces affected or removed due to the Central Vista Project, and if so, what measures have been taken for their restoration or compensation?
New Parliament Building: Permission for the transplantation of 404 trees including 13 Jamun trees was obtained for New Parliament Building from the Forest Department, GNCT of Delhi. These trees have been transplanted in Eco-Park and most of these trees (more than 80%) are surviving. Further, 4,040 trees will be planted in Eco-Park, NTPC Badarpur as a compensatory plantation.
Central Vista Avenue: 48 trees are proposed to be transplanted, out of which permission has been granted for 25 trees till date including 22 Jamun trees. Transplantation of these trees is in progress. No old tree including the Jamun tree planted as per Lutyen’s original plan is proposed to be transplanted.
The overall green cover within the Central Vista area will increase under the Master Plan. It is proposed to transplant 3,230 trees to Eco-Park, NTPC, Badarpur after obtaining EC from MoEF&CC and permission from Forest Department.1,753 new trees will be transplanted within the project sites and 2,000 new trees are to be planted within the Central Vista area.
The official website of the Central Vista Project claims that, in short, Central Vista will have a net profit of 563 trees after all the transplants/plantation. Apart from this, the entire project will be taken up without cutting down a single tree. A total of 36,083 trees will be planted in the city and this will significantly increase the overall green cover, including 32,330 trees to be planted at Eco-Park, NTPC, Badarpur as a form of compensatory plantation.
Environmental Sustainability
How does the design of the Central Vista Project incorporate environmentally sustainable practices to mitigate potential environmental damage?
The design of the Central Vista Project incorporates environmentally sustainable practices to mitigate potential environmental damage in various ways, according to the official website of the project and a report by Central Vista. Some of these practices are:
- Using centralised systems and infrastructure, such as centralised air conditioning, water supply, sewage treatment, solid waste management, etc., to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint.
- Promoting the use of public transport, such as metro rail, electric buses, etc., to reduce vehicular emissions and traffic congestion.
- Having upgradeable technology, systems and services, such as smart lighting, solar panels, rainwater harvesting, etc., to enhance resource efficiency and adaptability.
- Constructing green buildings with high-performance glass facades, natural ventilation, optimal daylighting, etc., to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality.
Minimising environmental effects during the construction phase, such as installing air purifiers, managing construction and demolition waste, controlling noise levels, etc., to reduce air and noise pollution. - Increasing the overall green cover in the Central Vista area by transplanting existing trees, planting new saplings and creating landscaped areas to enhance biodiversity and aesthetics.
The New Parliament Building in Central Vista provision to have extensive usage of wooden structures for the creation of interior as well as exterior decor, rooted in traditional motifs and elements. The wood is being procured from Nagpur and the wooden architecture design is being led by artisans & craftsmen from Mumbai, Maharashtra, promoting authentic wooden craftwork from the State.
Flora and Fauna
Has there been any significant damage to the local flora and fauna due to the construction activities related to the Central Vista Project?
There is no definitive answer to whether the construction activities related to the Central Vista Project have caused any significant damage to the local flora and fauna, as different sources may have different perspectives and assessments. However, some reports have raised concerns about the possible negative impacts of the project on the environment, such as loss of green cover, increase in air and noise pollution, disruption of wildlife habitats, etc.
On the other hand, the official website of the project claims that environmental sustainability is at the core of the project and that strict measures are being undertaken to minimise environmental effects during the construction phase, such as installing air purifiers, managing construction and demolition waste, controlling noise levels, etc. The website also states that the project will result in an overall increase in green cover by transplanting existing trees, planting new saplings and creating landscaped areas.
“Modernization is the main goal in this ‘Amrit Kaal’ in our behaviour, means, resources and infrastructure.” – Prime Minister Narendra Modi, November 22, 2022
(Source: 1. doc20221122133001.pdf ( I 2. Myths And Realities about the Central Vista Project