CALICUT: The Faizal and Shabana Foundation, part of KEF Holdings, has reached a milestone, celebrating its 10th anniversary. Fueled by the vision of Giving to Create Impact’ the Foundation works to create model solutions for social problems at the grassroots.
Over the past 10 years, since its establishment in 2007, the Foundation has embodied itself in over 25 programs and projects which has impacted thousands of lives in India and the Middle East through 20 million USD (127 Crores).
Also Read: KEF Holdings Chairman Faizal Kottikollon renewed its commitment towards serving the society
Driven by the vision of – Giving to Create Impact, the Faizal & Shabana Foundation has worked in six critical areas of development: Education and Youth Development, Healthcare and Wellness Support, Regenerative Sustainable Development, Humanitarian Aid and Assistance; Community Outreach and Support; and Art and Culture Development.
Under this the foundation has covered programmes such as PRISM (Promoting Regional Schools to International Standards through Multiple Interventions) in collaboration with the Government of Kerala; Krishnagiri School Intervention (Krishnagiri Village Development Program); Research Support Program for Manipal University.
The foundation also supports key research organisations for their research projects on Aids & Cancer. It has also adopted a whole panchayat covering over 1,500 families in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu and introduced a village intervention model to create sustainable development.
The Foundation’s model on public education and village development is gaining wide acceptability, as partners and government bodies see the impact it brings.

The education model started in Kerala and now implemented across hundreds of government and aided schools in Kerala is gathering interest in other states with one school opened in Tamil Nadu and another initiated in Karnataka. The Foundation is planning to expand its sustainable village development program across other states.
As the Foundation enters a new decade it remains committed to its efforts, spearheaded by Shabana Faizal, Vice Chairperson of KEF Holdings and Faizal Kottikollon, Chairman of KEF Holdings’ passion to make a lasting impact, the entrepreneurial couple have marked 10% of their yearly business profits from their flagship company KEF Holdings to support the foundation’s initiatives.
The next phase will see them collaborating with like-minded partners both through fundraising and knowledge partnerships to further grow the Foundation’s impact.
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