As a number of Indian organisations begin to emerge from the global pandemic, investors are asking companies to focus more on their Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) responsibilities. Why? Because the majority of established investors regard ESG efforts as long-term value development. In addition to this, there has been a huge increase in ESG investors, often referred to as impact investors or socially responsible investors.
What is ESG?
ESG ascertains how socially responsible a company is. One of the ways they determine this is by looking at how the environment is impacted by the organisation and their policies on a whole. This factors in their use of natural resources, climate change and pollution. It also includes identifying how companies treat their workers or human capital, as well as their response to corporate governance issues, including tax transparency, business ethics and board diversity. Two other key elements include product safety and data security.
Which Sectors are Involved in ESG?
In India, declaring ESG efforts isn’t yet obligatory, although businesses are required to invest a minimum of 2% of their yearly turnover towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This goes for all industries across the globe, from finance corporations, to gambling giants. It appears that capital providers, portfolio companies and investors are paying close attention to sustainable investing.
Sports Betting Sites: the casino industry offers many advantages to investors, especially as a number of today’s casinos’ ESG efforts have been revamped, with various establishments giving money to charity and regularly monitoring player activity to ensure online environments are safe. The US celebrates being one of the prime online gambling destinations of choice for many based all over the world, including India. For most online operators, this equates to a progressive investment plan. But as well as investors, players wishing to take advantage of sports betting in the US should also do their research. When it comes to choosing where to wager their money, online sport betting sites recommended by are a great place to start.
Pharmaceutical Services: widely viewed as public goods, the healthcare industry are high on the agenda for ESG, particularly as they are funded by pharma and medtech, as well as public money.
Finance: ESG is becoming of huge importance to large finance corporations in India, as well as elsewhere, as investors base investment opportunities on companies that are sustainable and therefore don’t pose a financial risk.
ESG Investing is on the Up
Whilst many of us are already aware of ESG and the multitude of difficulties influencing cultures across the globe, it is only in recent times that there has been a huge increase in conscious investors intent on making positive investments, and ones that help the planet as opposed to hinder it whilst also allowing for a profit.
Why the Sudden Change?
Two key factors are responsible for movements in ESG. These include knowledge and accessibility. As a planet, we’re becoming more and more aware of environmental, social and governance obstacles. On top of this, were beginning to realise how big corporations play a huge part in tackling these issues. A day seldom goes by without a news to story that surrounds racial inequality, climate change, poor working conditions or company accounting scandals. These heightened levels of awareness and education are leading to many of us wanting to take action.
In terms of accessibility, this is due to a want for more sustainable investment approaches, which means more ESG products are now available to investors.
Why it’s Important to Investors
Impact investments are outperforming traditional bets in the coronavirus crisis, which may be a turning point for wealthy investors looking to generate change. ESG helps investment managers to determine a companies long-term financial health. If a company doesn’t pay attention to the environment and what effect it is having on the planet, pollution for example, they could be privy to financial penalties likely to damage their name. Both of these factors could result in a loss of profit.
A Different Perspective
As well as investors, directors are starting to take a bigger interest in ESG. How the company is performing in this aspect has become a regular board topic.
In addition to tackling the social impacts ESG is having on a company, the financial effects are also of concern, especially in terms of future development and long-term value. This comes under social materiality, and surrounds the company’s efforts and how these affect both people and the planet.
With more and more focus surrounding ESG, it’s a hugely important consideration for both investors and directors to take on board, and ultimately to the board. It’s finally becoming profitable to invest in doing good and those who choose to ignore this initiative could see a momentous effect on their long-term value and brand.