By Vijay Kapur & Enakshi Sengupta
The growth of CSR has not freed it from growing cynicism and deliberate obfuscation of what real CSR is and what it aims to achieve. The term CSR holds different perspective for different practitioners. To a PR manager it is often characterized as reputation protection, for a non- profit organization is all about raising awareness for a cause and for the Government it may be off loading the burden of sustainability to the corporate world. This confusion and lack of a ‘common context’ is seeding ambivalence and is belittling the potential of the concept of CSR shrouding it in a fuzziness of non- committed ad-hoc activities.
CSR and the Notion of Responsibility
CSR, as the term signifies, has the component of ‘responsibility’ engrained in it. The term responsibility can be a moral maze, with different contexts and dimensions for many. It may mean a legally enshrined obligation for some, while for others, it could simply imply commonly held morality arising out of collective interdependence. This responsibility, at times, can be self-imposed through enlightened self-interest or due to moral pressure.
Brand as the Prime Determinant of Relationship Responsibility
Brand, as a component, also has the concept of ‘responsibility’ inherent in it. According to Kitchin (2002), “Brand is, in fact, the prime determinant of relationship responsibility.” Brand comes with ‘brand promises’ and ‘trust’ between the expectation of a consumer and their ultimate experience. This similarity between CSR and brand lies in their foundation on organizational responsibilities and the honoring of trust to stakeholders. In every corporate arena, there exists a creative tension between stakeholder’s needs and the organization’s ability to realize those needs and meet diverse expectations adequately.
Aligning CSR and Brand: Shared Values and Connection
Brands, like the CSR activities of a firm, have the capability of filtering stakeholder’s needs through brand promises. They possess the capacity to emotionally connect with stakeholders, creating the ‘shared value’ of a firm expressed by its CSR performance. The brand elasticity, supported by a well-strategized CSR program, reduces intangible risk through collaboration with stakeholders.
Changing Thinking to Affect Behavior
Peter Senge, in his work “The 5th Discipline,” highlighted that ‘if one wants to affect behavior, one must change thinking (the context) which will affect the connection.’ To build an emotional connect with stakeholders, companies must not only deliver true and honest ‘brand promises’ but also craft a proactive CSR strategy to fulfill moral obligations towards stakeholders.
Seizing Opportunities for Meaningful Connections
Organizations should seize the opportunity to use their brand strength and proactive CSR role to create fresh meaning for their stakeholders. Systematic CSR enhances relationships and their systemic context towards a ‘shared vision’.
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