ReNew Power said that it will contribute to the central and state governments’ efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in India. ReNew is initially committing Rs.20 Cr. to this initiative.
Out of this, Rs. 10 Cr. will be contributed to the PM CARES fund, and Rs. 5 Cr. will go towards the Chief Minister’s relief fund in various states, a statement said.
The rest will be spent on several activities targeted to directly help communities impacted by the lockdown and to bolster the health infrastructure to tackle the pandemic.
As part of these activities, ReNew Power is focusing on feeding migrant labourers, daily wage workers and locals around its sites by distributing dry ration packets in conjunction with the local administration.
The company is working across its sites in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and around 140 villages.
Additionally, ReNew is adopting a village in Haryana, where around 350 vulnerable households will be provided with dry ration and hygiene kits.
In addition, employees, led by their CMD and other members of the senior management, are also contributing a part of their salary to fund various activities to fight COVID-19.
“ReNew Power is already at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19 by keeping its clean power generating sites operational amidst the lockdown and ensuring regular power supply to people from more than 100 sites across the country.”, says Sumant Sinha, CMD of ReNew Power.