In a conversation with Elets News Network (ENN), Dr Krishna Kant Pathak, Commissioner Industries & Secretary, CSR, Government of Rajasthan elaborates on how the Government of Rajasthan is coordinating with the corporate for CSR activities impacting the state population.
What all impactful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions and initiatives are being planned by the industries in Rajasthan in conjunction with the Rajasthan Government?
The Rajasthan Government is directly not accepting any funds from companies falling in the ambit of CSR in its account. Moreover, as per Government of India guidelines, it is also not authorized to do so. The State Government is running a CSR Portal having projects of different departments which Industries and Companies can directly view and adopt any project. In Rajasthan, Education, Health & Water Conservation are the key focus areas. So far as the education sector is concerned, the Department of Education has set-up a Gyan Sankalp Portal where certain works have been listed out and which companies can directly adopt or donate for the cause. In MJSA phase I, II &III, corporates have jointly worked with the Government and contributed in Cash/kind/directly adopted entire projects.
With reference to the CSR guidelines of the Rajasthan Government, what all are the eligible projects under various categories in the state companies that have been verified and approved by various departments of the State Government?
Major projects which have been executed by Companies as per CSR guidelines.
Project: Mukhya Mantri Jal Swabhlamban Abhiyan
Sector: Environment Sustainability and Making available safe drinking water
Department: Watershed Department Government of Rajasthan
CSR Sch VII Clause (iv) Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining the quality of soil, air, and water including contribution to the Clean Ganga Fund set-up by the Central Government for rejuvenation of river Ganga;
Project: Mukhyamantri Vidyadaan Kosh – The objective of the project is to advance the education system, highlighting projects such as improving learning outcomes, ICT integration in the classroom, and developing school leaders.
Sector: Promoting Education
Department: Education Department
CSR Sch VII Clause (ii) Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects.
“The Rajasthan Government has created a CSR Portal and it works as a bridge between Corporates and Implementing Agencies.”
Project: Adopt A Home Under Protsahan Yojna- To ensure proper care, protection and rehabilitation of orphan, destitute and other categories of vulnerable children
Sector: Promoting Gender Equality
Category wise projects on Rajasthan CSR portal
Department: Department for Child Rights
CSR Sch VII Clause (iii) Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centers and such other facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
How does the Government of Rajasthan help in identifying CSR projects, align them between the state’s and the company’s priorities and still encourage innovative and progressive CSR practices?
As mentioned earlier, the Rajasthan Government has created a CSR Portal and it works as a bridge between Corporates and Implementing agencies. This portal provides facilities to Corporates and Implementing Agenciess to showcase their CSR initiatives/ work. They can update their work on this portal.If any registered
company wants to connect with IA they can do so and vice-a-versaIA’s can also directly approach Companies. Currently, there are 169 Implementing agencies, 31 Service Providers and 112 Companies registered on the CSR Portal of Government of Rajasthan
As per The Companies Act, 2013 and CSR Rules, Government can only monitor the CSR activities of Corporates; it cannot force any Company to take-up work under Government schemes. The Department of Industries & Secretary CSR time to time conduct meetings to sensitize Companies having presence in Rajasthan towards CSR and also to know about their CSR initiatives. The Department also suggests projects to them as per priorities of the State Government.
In order to encourage and felicitate Corporates and Implementing Agencies for doing good work in CSR domain, Department of Industries and Secretary, CSR regularly conducts CSR Awards on yearly basis. (Source: EGov)