Smt Gomati Sai, Honorable MP, Lok Sabha (Raigarh) inaugurated the Girl Empowerment Mission (GEM)-2022 at NTPC Lara on 16th May 2022. The programme was inaugurated with ceremonial lamp lighting by Honorable, MP along with Shri Diwakar Kaushik, CGM (NTPC Lara) and other invitees.
Addressing the gathering Smt. Sai lauded NTPC Lara’s effort for peripheral development in Raigarh district. Focusing on GEM, Smt Sai said, the residential training programme being organized by NTPC Lara is a very good initiative for the development of girl child. This programme will be a milestone in shaping their bright future just like a potter making a pot from clay. When these girls will achieve success in their future, that time they will remember NTPC for shaping their lives in their early days.
Speaking on this occasion Shri Diwakar Kaushik, CGM (Lara) said those NTPC is known as an electricity producer and illuminating nation but by this GEM programme NTPC will be known for empowerment of girls. Through this programme, NTPC will help them to achieve their dreams.
GEM is a specially designed training programme for the girls at the age group of 10-11, those will undergo a residential training programme for almost one month in the areas of their educational curriculum with creativity, self-defense, yoga, drawing, painting, dance and personal grooming by the experienced trainers. At NTPC Lara 40 girls of nearby villages enrolled for this GEM programme, which will be continued from 15.05.2022 to 12.06.2022.
Among others Smt Gopika Gupta, Member, DDC, Smt. Poonam Solanki, Leader of opposition, Raigarh Municipal Corporation, BDC members, women sarpanch of PAP villages, local representatives, all general managers, senior officials, representatives of union and associations, office bearers and members of Prerita Mhaila Samiti, children and their parents were present on this occasion.
(India CSR)