New Delhi: Wipro spends Rs 185.3 crore on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in FY 2018-19, which is more than the prescribed CSR expenditure of Rs 176.1 crore.
The average net profit of the company for the last three financial years is Rs 8802.2 crore.
The company has been involved with social initiatives for more than a decade and half and engages in various activities in the field of education, primary healthcare and communities, ecology and environment.
The company has won several awards and accolades for its CSR and sustainability efforts.
The CSR Committee states that the Implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy is in compliance with CSR objectives and policy of the Company.
The Committee consists of three independent directors, Ashok S Ganguly, N Vaghul and William Arthur Owens, as its members and Ashok S Ganguly as the Chairman of the Committee.
Company’s CSR initiatives create social value by contributing to social inclusion, empowerment of the disadvantaged and mitigating of ecological degradation.
The work in education generates positive social, human and intellectual capital.
The company has a large programme on education that is designed for more direct impact on underprivileged children.
Run through Wipro Cares, the programme reached out to around 41 thousand children across 8 states in FY 2019.
The projects address a gamut of critical issues faced by disadvantaged communities and works on enrollment in schools, nutrition for children, counseling services for parents and remedial education.
These children are from urban slums, HIV-affected families and migrant labor families.