TAMIL NADU: Asia Society Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST) trained around 6000 students in Tamil Nadu, India through its initiative, ‘I2Can – Ignite & Inspire young minds’. The initiative started last year and successfully implemented 20 events.
The events are being supported by a police officer, fire safety instructor and health instructor who train the students during the interactive sessions at the schools.
The I2Can initiative aims to train youth on practical topics like health, sanitation, hygiene, fire safety, road safety, emergency response, green living, problem solving and decision making.
“We believe that in addition to traditional subjects, hands-on, practical and relevant topics will create an enriching and meaningful learning experience” said Sreenivas Narayanan, Managing Director of ASSIST.
“What the I2Can event has achieved goes beyond educating young people on practical topics. More importantly, what this initiative has accomplished is a strong foundation for a creative and socially responsible future generation.
An important dimension of the I2Can initiative is to also enable the trained young people to be change agents in their communities. We aspire to achieve a long-term multiplier effect by developing a strong volunteer force” Narayanan added.
ASSIST Social Actions (ASA), is the dynamic unit which oversees the implementation of two major actions of ASSIST. Through its various social initiatives, it seeks to challenge conventional thinking, spark positive change, and build enduring partnerships for progress.
(The report appeared with Asian-NGO Journal )
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