India CSR News Network
RAIPUR: Chhattisgarh CM Raman Singh today said that Chhattisgarh govt. has taken a decision that all expenses on higher education of children living in mining areas shall be borne by the state. He was addressing the two days National Conclave on Mines & Minerals in Raipur today.
Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh Dr. Raman Singh remarked that in a swift, one-stroke decision of auction of mineral blocks by the Prime Minister and Shri Tomar, history was created. Vision and quick execution have been the hallmark of mining reforms in past two years. For the state of Chhattisgarh, the DMF and PMKKKY have proven to be immensely valuable. The state plans to complete mapping of whole area in coming three years.
Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh said that the new Minerals (Mines) policy of the Union Government had opened new vistas and opportunities for rapid development. The entire society is committed to the conservation of environment and exploiting minerals for the welfare of the society. The contribution of minerals is crucial for the economic progress of the nation. Dr. Raman Singh said the Minerals’ policy had become transparent under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi.
Chief Minister was inaugurating the two-day maiden National Mines and Minerals’ seminar here.
He announced that State Government will reimburse the entire fees of the rehabilitated families’ children in the mining areas for medical, engineering, I.T.I. Agriculture Colleges and I.I.Ts and other institutions of higher learning.
Apart from this the poor residents from Korba to Raigarh will be provided with domestic gas connections free of cost under the Prime Minister Ujjwala Scheme on a nominal registration fee of Rs 200.
The conference was organized by Mineral Resources Department with the co-operation of Union Ministry of Mines. Union Steel and Mines Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Minister of State for Mines Vishnudev Sahay and Union Ministry of Mines Secretary Balwinder Kumar also spoke.
Dr. Raman Singh, leading dignitaries released the Union Government’s National Minerals’ excavation Policy 2016, Nuclear Minerals Policy and Central Mines Ministry’s Skills’ Up-gradation Project. Prime Minister Mines’ Region Welfare Scheme pilot project for Dantewada district was also launched on the occasion. The producers of Minerals’ were also felicitated under the Star Ratings’ category of Union Ministry of Mines.
Raman Singh also launched District Mining Foundation as a part of the Prime Minister Minerals’ Region Welfare Scheme. The Foundation will cater to the needs of the local residents of Mining regions regarding education, health, drinking water and roads.
Extra funds will be allocated to the regions for the development of the mining-affected areas. Dr. Raman Singh appreciated the efforts of Union Minister for Mines’ Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar in making the new Minerals’ policy more effective and people-oriented. He added the State receives Rs Four thousand crores Royalty on main and secondary/ subsidiary minerals. The State had decided to allocate cent per cent Royalty on secondary minerals to the local panchayats.
The State earns Rs 240 crore Royalty on Secondary minerals. Chhattisgarh will earn Rs 1100 crore from the Centrally-constituted District Minerals’ Trust. The State had already earned Rs 500 crore till now. The State will receive substantial funds from this source.
Dr. Raman Singh added that a master plan worth Rs Three thousand 300 crore was being implemented at the Minerals’ rich regions. He said detailed mapping of the mines will be done soon. Modern technology will be used for the purpose. Dr. Raman Singh said that while excavating minerals eye is kept on environment protection also. The geographical region of Chhattisgarh is about one lakh 36 thousand The work related to mines is being carried over 970 The State is determined to protect forests.
Dr. Raman Singh revealed that Education City worth Rs 100 crore had been established at the iron ore rich Dantewada district. The education from standard 1 to Class 12th is free of cost. I.T.I. and Polytechnic colleges are also in operation there.
Union Minister Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar said that there are a lot of employment opportunities at the minerals’ rich districts of the country. The minerals play a major role in rapid economic growth and G.D.P of the country. He appreciated the role of Chhattisgarh in formulating the new Mines and Minerals’ policy and holding the maiden conference on such a large scale. He added Chhattisgarh is the first state in the country where District Minerals’ Fund is being implemented with Rs 25 crore allocated to villages for development projects in Dantewada district.
During the function, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley inaugurated 5 pilot projects to be implemented under Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) at the conclave.
Minister of Mines & Steel Shri Narendra Singh Tomar urged that all stakeholders must work together to increase the share of mining in GDP from present 2.4% to 6%.
He said that PMKKKY will ensure that the benefits of this growth reach the rightful owners of the mineral wealth, who are poorest of the poor living in mining areas. Chhattisgarh has taken lead in implementing the mining reforms ushered in by the central government and deserves compliments for the same.
DMF: Socio-economic Benefit Sharing
Key features
- District Mineral Fund (DMF)is meant to address the long standing demand of the local people in mining areas for inclusive growth. The contributions of 30 % of additional royalty by existing miners and 10% by miners granted mines after the MMDR Amendment w.e.f. 12.1.2016. The Annual budget of DMFs for major mineral States would be 6000 Cr.
- The Government has formulated Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) to be implemented by the DMFs of the respective districts. It has been issued as a directive under Section 20A of the Act by the Central government on 16.09.2016.
- The PMKKKY has mandated 60% of the funds to be utilized in a for High Priority Areas, such as Drinking water / Environment preservation and pollution control / Health care / Education / Skill development / Welfare of women, children, aged and disabled people / Sanitation and 40% of the funds to be utilized for Infrastructure – Roads & physical infrastructure / Irrigation / Watershed development. The projects implemented under PMKKKY will help create a congenial mining environment, ameliorate the condition of the affected persons and create a win-win situation for the stakeholders.
- It is in the interest of the State Governments to expedite the setting up of DMF so that these funds being accrued, may start getting utilized for the welfare and development of these areas as laid down by the PMKKKY scheme. Such welfare activities are bound to create goodwill for the mining industry amongst local population.
- The State Governments also have been empowered to constitute DMF for Minor Minerals under the newly inserted section 15A in the MMDR Act.