Akshara Centre has collaborated with Mullen Lowe Lintas for their upcoming campaign #NoCoverUp. Domestic violence has not only been a piercing issue in India but all over the world, and this pandemic has aggravated this concern significantly.
Akshara Centre and Mullen Lowe Lintas have coincided to spread light on this cause aiming to reinforce a sense of support, awareness and understanding from family members and friends of the survivors. The campaign has been augmented with the help of having MTV and Saregama on board as media partners.
Akshara Centre has been working towards empowering women to help them live with dignity, free from violence and gender discrimination. Through the #NoCoverUp campaign, Akshara Centre aims to instil strength and hope amongst the survivors by encouraging them to come forward and take requisite action. Through the campaign, Akshara Centre’s vision is to highlight the fact that there are several ways to reach for help and more importantly, to give the survivors a sense of determination to get out of the situation.
Earlier this year, it was well documented that the nationwide lockdown led to a crucial increase in the rate of domestic violence cases. Akshara Centre joined hands with 26 eminent celebrities along with the Government of Maharashtra urging people to not be bystanders towards the atrocities against women during such times. The video campaign #LockdownOnDomesticViolence was executed in four languages and garnered conversations with over 5.5 million views. Emphasizing on gender equality and women empowerment, the campaign restored strength and courage in the survivors encouraging them to come forward and talk about their situation in depth.
Talking about this initiative Nandita Shah, Co-Director of Akshara Centre said, “Akshara Centre has always been relentlessly working towards women equality and we are elated to collaborate with Mullen Lintas. Our collaborative effort is to bring the spotlight on the atrocities against women and encourage survivors to reach out for help. Through the #NoCoverUp campaign, we are looking forward to thriving an impactful message and empower women in every way possible.”
Co-Director and Managing Trustee of Akshara Centre, Nandita Gandhi said, “With a steep spike in brutality against women, there is a daunting need to address the situation. More importantly, we are trying to install a sense of understanding and awareness in the families and friends of the survivors regarding this whole aspect. There is an urgent need to not only break the silence around the issue, but helping the families understand that their support for the survivors will go a long way in amending the situation. And collaborating with Lintas will help us amplify the situation and reach out to a wider audience.”
Akshara Centre’s primary vision is to establish gender equality to enhance societal conscious and empower women to be the beacon of change in promoting gender inclusivity.