Recognizing the crucial role of cooperatives in social development, the Indian government has approved the “World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative Sector,” aiming to tackle food grain storage capacity shortage and strengthen national food security. This pilot project, rolled out in various states and union territories, seeks to create diverse agricultural infrastructure at the level of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS).
The United Nations system values the important role of cooperatives in social development. In 1995, the World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen recognized the importance of cooperatives in the people-centered approach to development and agreed to “utilize and develop fully the potential and contribution of cooperatives for the attainment of social development goals, in particular the eradication of poverty, the generation of full and productive employment, and the enhancement of social integration.” (Commitment 9h).
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in its 90th Session on 3 June 2002, inter-alia, adopted that the promotion and strengthening of the identity of cooperatives should be encouraged on the basis of:
(i) cooperative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity; as well as ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others; and
(ii) cooperative principles as developed by the international cooperative movement. These principles are: voluntary and open membership; democratic member control; member economic participation; autonomy and independence; education, training and information; cooperation among cooperatives; and concern for community.
India fares well on above international parameters in the cooperative sector. The cooperative principles are already enshrined in the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002. In order to promote and strengthen the cooperatives in India, the Ministry of Cooperation, since its inception on 6th July 2021, has undertaken several initiatives to realize the vision of “Sahakar-se-Samriddhi” and to strengthen and deepen the cooperative movement from Primary to Apex level Cooperatives in the country. A list of initiatives taken and progress made so far is in Annexure I.
As per the World Cooperative Monitor (WCM) 2022, Cooperative organizations in India like IFFCO and GCMMF are ranked among the top two in the agriculture sector, ULCCS is ranked second in the Industry and utility sector and 12 cooperative banks (seven StCB and four UCB and one credit society) are among top 300 ranked cooperatives in the world.
Illustrious examples of a few Indian Cooperative models, which have proved their significant role in improving the socio-economic condition of their members, who are mainly from rural areas, are as under:
India’s Cooperative Sugar Mills (CSMs) together constitute the largest sugar cooperative sector in the world. The CSMs contribute 4-9% in global sugar exports and 284 CSMs altogether support 56.80 lakh shareholder cane-growing farmers pan India.
The contribution of IFFCO model in fertilizer sector is at Annexure II.
The contribution of Amul model in dairy sector is at Annexure III.
In order to address the shortage of food grain storage capacity in the country, the Government on 31.05.2023, has approved the “World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative Sector”, which has been rolled out as a Pilot Project in different States/UTs of the country.
Plan for Agri Infrastructure Development at PACS Level
The Plan aims to establish agricultural infrastructure at the PACS level, including decentralized storage facilities, custom hiring centers, processing units, and Fair Price Shops.
This will be achieved by combining various existing schemes of the Government of India, such as the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF), Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Scheme (AMI), Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM), Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PMFME), among others, to provide subsidies and interest subvention benefits for the construction of storage facilities and other agricultural infrastructure at PACS.
Further, NABARD is also extending financial support to PACS by refinancing them at highly subsidized rates of around 1 percent, after incorporating the benefits of 3% interest subvention under AIF scheme for projects up to Rs. 2 Crore. Therefore, the plan aims to strengthen the economic condition of PACS by diversifying their business activities and giving them additional sources of revenue, thus improving their financial sustainability.
The Pilot Project is being implemented by National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) with the support of NABARD, Food Corporation of India (FCI), Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS), National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC), etc. in different States/ UTs. Consultancy support is also being extended to PACS through these agencies under the project.
Collaborative Efforts
An MoU has been signed between the Ministry of Cooperation (GoI), Department of Food and Public Distribution (GoI), Food Corporation of India (FCI), and National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) to ensure the full utilization of storage capacity created at the PACS level. This will enable FCI to hire godowns at the PACS level, integrate them into the foodgrain supply chain, and establish essential market connections for PACS.
Warehouse Development
Additionally, an MoU has been established between the Ministry of Cooperation (GoI), Department of Consumer Affairs (GoI), NABARD, NCDC, and NCCF to facilitate the construction and hiring of warehouses at the PACS level under this project, with a focus on supporting the National Cooperative Consumer’s Federation (NCCF).
States/ UTs and National level Cooperative Federations, like National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED), have identified more than 2,000 PACS for creation of storage capacity under the Pilot Project. Presently, construction of godown is in various stages in 13 PACS of 13 States/ UTs.
Establishment of decentralized storage capacity at PACS level would reduce post harvest losses by creating sufficient storage capacity in the country and strengthen food security of the country up to Panchayat/village level. It will also prevent distress sale of crops by farmers and enable them to realise better prices for their crops. Since PACS would be operating as procurement centre as well as Fair Price Shops (FPS), the cost incurred in transportation of food grains to procurement centres and again transporting the stocks back from warehouses to FPS would also be saved.
The project will also provide various benefits to farmers and consumers, including the following:
Farmers will be able to store their produce in the godown constructed at PACS and avail bridge finance for the next cycle of crop and sell the produce at a time of their choice, or sell their whole crop to the PACS at Minimum Support Price (MSP), which would enable them to avoid distress sale of crops.
They will be able to get various agri inputs and services at the Panchayat/ village level itself.
Through diversification of business, farmers will be able to get additional sources of income.
Through integration with the food supply management chain, farmers will be able to expand their market size and realize better value for their produce.
Creation of adequate food grain storage capacity at PACS level will help in reduction of post-harvest loss, thus enabling farmers to earn better prices.
In addition to the above, this Plan would help in ensuring food security at Panchayat/ village level across the country, thereby benefitting the consumers.
Brief of 54 initiatives taken by Ministry of Cooperation
Ministry of Cooperation, since its inception on 6th July, 2021, has undertaken several initiatives to realize the vision of “Sahakar-se-Samriddhi” and to strengthen & deepen the cooperative movement from Primary to Apex level Cooperatives in the country. List of initiatives taken and progress made so far are as follows:
A. Making Primary Cooperatives economically vibrant and transparent
1. Model Bye-Laws for PACS making them multipurpose, multidimensional and transparent entities
Government, in consultation with all the stakeholders, including States/ UTs, National Level Federations, State Cooperative Banks (StCBs), District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs), etc., has prepared and circulated Model Byelaws for PACS to all the States/ UTs, which enable PACS to undertake more than 25 business activities, improve governance, transparency and accountability in their operations. Provisions have also been made to make the membership of PACS more inclusive and broad-based, giving adequate representation to women and Scheduled Castes/Schedules Tribes. So far, 32 States/ UTs have adopted Model Byelaws or their existing byelaws are in line with Model Byelaws.
2. Strengthening of PACS through Computerization
In order to strengthen PACS, project for Computerization of 63,000 functional PACS with a total financial outlay of ₹2,516 Crore has been approved by the Government of India, which entails bringing all functional PACS in the Country onto a common ERP based national software, linking them with NABARD through StCBs and DCCBs. A total of 62,318 PACS from 28 States/ UTs have been sanctioned under the project. Software is ready and ERP onboarding has already started in 15,783 PACS in 27 States/ UTs so far.
3. Establishing New Multipurpose PACS/ Dairy/ Fishery Cooperatives in uncovered Panchayats
The plan for establishing new multipurpose PACS or primary dairy/ fisheries cooperatives covering all the Panchayats/ villages in the next five years, with support of NABARD, NDDB, NFDB, NCDC and other National level Federations has been approved by the Government. As reported by the States/ UTs, the process for registering more than 9,000 new PACS/ Dairy/ Fishery cooperative societies is in various stages.
4. World’s Largest Decentralized Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative sector
Government has approved a plan to create warehouses, custom hiring centers, primary processing units and other agri infrastructure for grain storage at PACS level, through convergence of various GOI schemes, including AIF, AMI, SMAM, PMFME, etc. This will reduce wastage of food grains and transportation costs, enable farmers to realize better prices for their produce and meet various agricultural needs at the PACS level itself.
27 States/ UTs and National level Cooperative Federations such as National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED), have identified more than 2,000 PACS for creation of storage capacity under the Pilot Project.
5. PACS as Common Service Centers (CSCs) for better access to e-services
An MoU has been signed between Ministry of Cooperation, MeitY, NABARD and CSC e-Governance Services India Limited for providing more than 300 e-services such as banking, insurance, Aadhar enrolment/ updation, health services, PAN card and IRCTC/ Bus/ Air ticket, etc. through PACS. So far, 30,647 PACS have started providing CSC services to rural citizens which will also result in increase in income of these PACS.
6. Formation of new Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) by PACS
Government has allowed 1,100 additional FPOs to be formed by PACS with the support of NCDC, in those blocks where FPOs have not yet been formed or the blocks are not covered by any other implementing agency. Apart from this, 672 FPOs have been formed in the cooperative sector by NCDC. This will be helpful in providing farmers with necessary market linkages and get fair and remunerative prices for their produce.
7. PACS given priority for Retail Petrol/ Diesel outlets
Government has allowed PACS to be included in the Combined Category 2 (CC2) for allotment of retail petrol/ diesel outlets. As per information received from Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), a total of 240 PACS from 26 States/UTs have applied online for retail petrol/ diesel outlets. As informed by OMCs, 39 PACS have been selected so far.
8. PACS given permission to convert bulk consumer petrol pumps into retail outlets
Based on the discussions with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, guidelines have been issued to convert the existing bulk consumer licensee PACS into retail outlets for increasing the profit of PACS and generate employment opportunities in rural areas. 109 PACS from 4 States having wholesale consumer pumps have given consent for conversion into Retail Outlets, out of which 43 PACS have received Letter of Intent (LOI) from the OMCs.
9. PACS eligible for LPG Distributorship for diversifying its activities
Government has now allowed PACS to apply for LPG Distributorships. This will give PACS an option to increase their economic activities and create new employment opportunities in rural areas. From three States/ Union Territories, a total of 9 PACS have submitted online applications.
10. PACS as PM Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Kendra for improving access to generic medicines at rural level
Government is promoting PACS to operate Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras which will provide additional income source to them and ease the access to generic medicines for rural citizens. So far, 4,629 PACS/ cooperative societies have applied online for PM Janaushadhi Kendras, out of which 2,475 PACS have been given initial approval. Out of these 2,475 PACS, 617 have received drug licences from State Drug Controllers which are ready to function as Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
11. PACS as Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samriddhi Kendras (PMKSK)
Government is promoting PACS to operate PMKSK for ensuring easy accessibility of fertilizer & related services to farmers in the country. As per the information shared by States/ UTs, 35,293 PACS are functioning as PMKSK.
12. Convergence of PM-KUSUM at PACS level
Farmers associated with PACS can adopt solar agricultural water pumps and install photovoltaic modules in their farms.
13. PACS to carry out O&M of rural piped water supply schemes (PWS)
In order to utilize the deep reach of PACS in rural areas, on the initiative of the Ministry of Cooperation, Ministry of Jal Shakti has made PACS as eligible agencies to carry out the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) of PWS in rural areas. As per information received from States/ UTs, 1,630 PACS have been identified/ selected by 14 States/ UTs to provide O&M services at Panchayat/ Village level.
14. Micro-ATMs to Bank Mitra Cooperative Societies for providing doorstep financial services
Dairy and Fisheries cooperative societies can be made Bank Mitras of DCCBs and StCBs. To ensure their ease of doing business, transparency and financial inclusion, Micro-ATMs are also being given to these Bank Mitra Co-operative Societies with support from NABARD to provide ‘Door-step Financial Services’. As a pilot project, 1,723 Micro-ATMs have been distributed to Bank Mitra cooperative societies in Panchmahal and Banaskantha Districts of Gujarat. This initiative is now being implemented in all the Districts of the State of Gujarat.
15. Rupay Kisan Credit Card to Members of Milk Cooperatives
In order to expand the reach of DCCBs/ StCBs and to provide necessary liquidity to the members of Dairy Cooperative societies, Rupay Kisan Credit Cards (KCCs) are being distributed to the members of cooperatives for providing credit at comparatively lower interest rates and to enable them to carry out other financial transactions. So far, 1,23,685 Rupay KCC have been distributed in Panchmahal and Banaskantha Districts of Gujarat. This initiative is now being implemented in all the Districts of the State of Gujarat.
16. Formation of Fish Farmer Producer Organization (FFPO)
In order to provide market linkage and processing facilities to fishermen, NCDC has registered 69 FFPOs in the initial phase. In addition, Department of Fisheries, Government of India has allocated the work of converting 1000 existing fisheries cooperative societies into FFPOs to NCDC, with an approved outlay of Rs. 225.50 crore.
B. Strengthening the Urban and Rural Cooperative Banks
17. UCBs have been allowed to open new branches to expand their business
UCBs can now open new branches up to 10% (maximum 5 branches) of the existing number of branches in the previous financial year without prior approval of RBI.
18. UCBs have been allowed by RBI to offer doorstep services to their customers
Door step banking facility can now be provided by UCBs. Account holders of these banks can now avail various banking facilities at home such as cash withdrawal, cash deposit, KYC, demand draft and life certificate for pensioners, etc.
19. Cooperative banks have been allowed to make one-time settlement of outstanding loans, like Commercial Banks
Co-operative banks, through board-approved policies, can now provide the process for settlement with borrowers, along with technical write-off.
20. Time limit increased to achieve Priority Sector Lending (PSL) targets given to UCBs
RBI has extended the timeline for UCBs to achieve Priority Sector Lending (PSL) targets by two years i.e., up to March 31, 2026.
21. A Nodal Officer designated in RBI for regular interaction with UCBs
In order to meet the long pending demand of the cooperative sector for closer coordination and focused interaction, RBI has notified a nodal officer.
22. Individual housing loan limit more than doubled by RBI for Rural and Urban Cooperative Banks:
a. Housing loan limit of Urban Cooperative Banks has now been doubled from Rs. 30 lakh to Rs. 60 lakh.
b. Housing loan limit of Rural Cooperative Banks has been increased to two and a half times to Rs. 75 lakh.
23. Rural Cooperative Banks will now be able to lend to commercial real estate/ residential housing sector, thereby diversifying their business
This will not only help Rural Cooperative Banks to diversify their business, but will benefit Housing cooperative societies also.
24. License fee reduced for Cooperative Banks
License fee for onboarding Cooperative Banks to ‘Aadhaar Enabled Payment System’ (AePS) has been reduced by linking it to the number of transactions. Cooperative financial institutions will also be able to get the facility free of cost for the first three months of the pre-production phase. With this, farmers will now be able to get the facility of banking at their home with through biometrics.
25. Non-scheduled UCBs, StCBs and DCCBs notified as Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) in CGTMSE Scheme to increase the share of cooperatives in lending:
Cooperative banks will now be able to take advantage of risk coverage up to 85 percent on the loans given. Also, cooperative sector enterprises will also be able to get collateral free loans from cooperative banks now.
26. Notification of Scheduling norms for including Urban Cooperative Banks
UCBs that meet the ‘Financially Sound and Well Managed’ (FSWM) criteria and have maintained the minimum deposits required for classification as Tier 3 for the last two years are now eligible to be included in Schedule II of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and get ‘Scheduled’ status.
27. Monetary ceiling doubled by RBI for Gold Loan
RBI has doubled monetary ceiling from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs.4 lakh, for those UCBs that meet the PSL targets.
28. Umbrella Organization for Urban Cooperative Banks
RBI has accorded approval to the National Federation of Urban Co-operative Banks and Credit Societies Ltd. (NAFCUB) for the formation of an Umbrella Organization (UO) for the UCB sector, which will provide necessary IT infrastructure and operational support to around 1,500 UCBs.
C. Relief to Cooperative Societies in the Income Tax Act
29. Surcharge reduced from 12 % to 7% for co-operative societies having income between Rs. 1 to 10 Cr.
This will reduce the burden of Income Tax on Cooperative Societies and more capital will be available with them to work for the benefit of their members.
30. MAT reduced for cooperatives from 18.5% to 15%
With this provision, now there is parity between Cooperative Societies and Companies in this regard.
31. Relief in cash transactions under section 269ST of the Income Tax Act
In order to remove difficulties in cash transactions by cooperatives under Section 269ST of IT Act, Government has issued a clarification that cash transaction of less than Rs. 2 lakhs done by a cooperative society with its distributor in a day will be considered separately, and will not be charged with income tax penalty.
32. Tax cut for new manufacturing Cooperative societies
Government has decided that a flat lower tax rate of 15% will be charged, compared to an earlier rate of up to 30% plus surcharge, for new cooperatives commencing manufacturing activities by March 31, 2024. This will encourage the formation of new cooperative societies in the manufacturing sector.
33. Increase in limit of Cash Deposits and Cash Loans by PACS and PCARDB
Government has enhanced the limit for Cash Deposits and Cash Loans by PACS and Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs) from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 2 lakh per member. This provision will facilitate their activities, increase their business and benefit members of their societies.
34. Increase in the limit of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) in Cash Withdrawal
Government has increased the cash withdrawal limit of cooperative societies without deduction of tax at source from Rs.1 crore to Rs.3 crore per year. This provision will save Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) for cooperative societies, which will enhance their liquidity.
D. Revival of Cooperative Sugar Mills
35. Relief from Income Tax to Sugar Cooperative Mills
Government has issued a clarification that cooperative sugar mills would not be subjected to additional income tax for paying higher sugarcane prices to farmers up to Fair and Remunerative or State Advised Price, from April, 2016 onwards.
36. Resolution of decades old pending issues related to Income Tax of Sugar Cooperative Mills
Government has made a provision in its Union Budget 2023-24, wherein Sugar cooperatives have been allowed to claim as expenditure their payments to sugarcane farmers for the period prior to assessment year 2016–17, giving them a relief of more than Rs.10,000 crore.
37. Rs. 10,000 crore loan scheme launched for strengthening of Sugar Cooperative Mills
Government has launched a scheme through NCDC for setting up ethanol plants or cogeneration plants or for working capital or for all three purposes. Loan amount of Rs. 3,310.57 cr. has been sanctioned by NCDC to 25 Cooperative Sugar Mills so far.
38. Preference to Cooperative Sugar Mills in purchase of ethanol
Cooperative Sugar Mills have now been put at par with private companies for ethanol procurement by Government of India under the Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP).
39. Reduction in GST on molasses from 28% to 5%
Government has decided to reduce the GST on molasses from 28% to 5% which will enable cooperative sugar mills to earn more profits for their members by selling molasses to distilleries with higher margins.
E: Three new National Level Multi-State Societies
40. New National Multi-State Cooperative Seed Society for certified seeds
Government has established a new apex multi-state cooperative seed society under the MSCS Act, 2002, namely Bharatiya Beej Sahakari Samiti Limited (BBSSL) as an umbrella organization for quality seed cultivation, production and distribution under a single brand. Wheat, mustard, and pulses (gram, pea) breeder seeds have been planted across 1,750 acres. Efforts are underway to cultivate foundation/ certified seeds for groundnut, paddy, maize, and millet. So far, 13,985 PACS/ Cooperative Societies from 33 States/ Union Territories have submitted membership applications.
41. New National Multi-State Cooperative Organic Society for organic farming
Government has established a new apex multi-state cooperative organic society under the MSCS Act, 2002, namely National Cooperative Organics Limited (NCOL) as an umbrella organization to produce, distribute and market certified and authentic organic products. NCOL has received membership applications from 5,102 PACS/ cooperative societies from 26 States/ UTs so far. Six organic products have been launched by NCOL under “Bharat Organics” brand.
42. New National Multi-State Cooperative Export Society for promoting exports
Government has established a new apex multi-state cooperative export society under the MSCS Act, 2002, namely National Cooperative Export Limited (NCEL) as an umbrella organization to give thrust to exports from cooperative sector. NCEL has received membership applications from 6,499 PACS/ cooperative societies from 27 States/ UTs so far. Till date, NCEL has got permission to export 23.9 LMT rice to 20 countries and 50,000 MT sugar to 2 countries.
F.Capacity Building in Cooperatives
43. Promotion of training and awareness through National Council for Cooperative Training (NCCT)
By increasing its reach, NCCT has conducted 3,287 training programs and provided training to 2,01,507 participants in FY 2022-23.
44. Establishment of the Cooperative University
Cabinet Note has been prepared by Ministry of Cooperation for setting up of a National Cooperative University for Cooperative education, training, consultancy, research and development and a sustainable and quality supply of trained manpower.
G. Use of Information Technology for ‘Ease of Doing Business’
45. Computerization of the Central Registrar’s Office
Central Registrar’s office has been computerized to create a digital ecosystem for Multi-State Cooperative Societies, which will assist in processing applications and service requests in a time bound manner.
46. Scheme for computerization of office of RCSs in States and Union Territories
To increase ‘Ease of doing business’ for Cooperative Societies and create a digital ecosystem for transparent paperless regulation in all the States/ Union Territories, a Centrally Sponsored Project for computerization of RCS Offices has been approved by the Government. Grants will be provided for purchase of hardware, development of software, etc. to the States/ UTs. So far, proposals from 33 States/ UTs have been received for the project, out of which 30 have been sanctioned.
47. Computerization of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs)
To strengthen the long-term cooperative credit structure, the project of computerization of 1,851 units of Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (ARDBs) spread across 13 States/ Union Territories has been approved by the Government. NABARD is the implementing agency for the project and will develop a national level software for ARDBs. Hardware, support for digitization of legacy data, training to the employees, etc. will be provided under the project. So far, proposals received from 8 States have been sanctioned under the project.
H. Other Initiatives
48. New National Cooperative Database for authentic and updated data repository
A database of cooperatives in the country has been prepared with the support of State Governments to facilitate stakeholders in policy making and implementation of programmes/ schemes related to cooperatives across the country. So far, data of around 8.02 lakh cooperatives has been captured in the database.
49. Formulation of New National Cooperative Policy
A National level committee comprising 49 experts and stakeholders drawn from all over the Country has been constituted to formulate the New National Cooperative Policy for enabling a vibrant ecosystem to realize the vision of ‘Sahakar-se-Samriddhi’.
50. Multi-State Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2023
Amendment has been brought in the MSCS Act, 2002 to strengthen governance, enhance transparency, increase accountability, reform electoral process and incorporate provisions of 97th Constitutional Amendment in the Multi State Cooperative Societies.
51. Inclusion of Cooperatives as ‘buyers’ on GeM portal
Government has permitted cooperatives to register as ‘buyer’ on GeM, enabling them to procure goods and services from over 67 lakh vendors to facilitate economical purchases and greater transparency. So far, 559 cooperative societies have been onboarded on GeM as buyers.
52. Expansion of National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) to increase its range and depth
NCDC has launched new schemes in various sectors such as ‘Swayamshakti Sahkar’ for SHGs; ‘Deerghavadhi Krishak Sahkar’ for long term agricultural credit and ‘Dairy Sahkar’ for dairy. Total financial assistance of Rs. 41,031 Crores has been disbursed by NCDC in FY 2022-23, which is almost 20% higher than the disbursement of Rs.34,221 crore in 2021-22.
Government of India has permitted NCDC to issue bonds worth Rs. 2000 crore with government guarantee, subject to the adherence of specified terms and conditions. Further, NCDC is setting up sub-offices in 6 North Eastern States – Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura with the objective of taking various national schemes to the cooperative societies at their doorstep.
53. Financial assistance by NCDC for Deep Sea Trawlers
NCDC is providing financial assistance for projects related to deep sea trawlers in coordination with the Department of Fisheries, Government of India. NCDC has already sanctioned financial assistance of Rs. 20.30 crore for purchase of 14 deep sea trawlers for the Fisheries Cooperative Societies of Maharashtra.
54. Refund to Investors of Sahara Group of Societies
A portal has been launched for making payments to the genuine depositors of the cooperative societies of Sahara Group in a transparent manner. Disbursements have already started after proper identification and submission of proof of their deposits and claims.
IFFCO’s Co-operative Model
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Society, known as IFFCO, is a Multi-State Cooperative Society. Today, IFFCO has been ranked as the No. 1 cooperative in the world in the line-up of 300 top cooperatives of the world in the 2022 edition of the Annual World Cooperative Monitor (WCM) report based on the ratio of turnover over GDP per capita income, designed by International Cooperative Alliance (ICA).
IFFCO being an agriculture cooperative its membership is open to all agricultural cooperative societies from the primary/ village level to state and national cooperatives of India. IFFCO has a member base of more than 35,500 societies out of which more than 80% of the members are Primary Level Societies. The main business of the member societies is to sell IFFCO’s Quality Fertiliser to farmers.
IFFCO has five state-of-the art plants located in Kalol, Kandla, Phulpur, Aonla & Paradeep. In order to meet the demand supply gap of Indian Fertiliser Industry, IFFCO has entered into Joint Venture Projects outside India in Oman, Jordan & Senegal etc. IFFCO also has a wholly owned subsidiary in Dubai which acts as an international trading arm of IFFCO and primarily helps to handle import, export and logistics support.
With time IFFCO has diversified into different areas such as Insurance, Agrochemicals, E-Commerce, Rural Finance, Special Economic Zone, Kisan Call Centre etc. for the benefit of farmers. IFFCO has promoted other cooperative Institution namely Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative Ltd. (IFFDC) which focuses on afforestation of wasteland and farm forestry, integrated watershed development, rural livelihood development, women empowerment, CSR etc.
IFFCO is paying 20% dividends to the members on their paid-up share. Further, IFFCO is sharing its expertise, knowledge and experience with various countries like Brazil, Argentina, Mauritius, Jordan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Philippines etc, to strengthen cooperatives for mutual growth and business development.
In order to promote sustainable as well as environment-friendly agriculture, recently IFFCO has launched Nanotechnology based products i.e. Nano Urea and Nano DAP. At present paid up Share Capital of the Society stood at Rs. 6126.5 million (Rs. 612.65 Crore) as on March 31, 2023.
AMUL’s Co-operative Model
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (Amul) is India’s largest FMCG company with annual brand sales turnover of Rs. 72,000 Crores. GCMMF (Amul) is a cooperative federation comprising 36 Lakh milk producers in Gujarat (India), organized under 18,600 village dairy cooperative societies. It handles more than 3 Crore litres of milk per day.
Amul’s three-tier structure has been a cornerstone of its success in India’s cooperative landscape. At the grassroots level are the primary milk producers, who give the milk to the village co-operative societies (VDCS). The District Cooperative Milk Producers’ union, collects the milk from all VDCS of the district and process the milk to VDCS converts into the value-added products. The State level Milk Marketing Federation, overseeing sales and marketing of the products manufactured by all district unions of the state. This three-tier model ensures fair returns for farmers, efficient milk collection, and widespread availability of Amul products.
GCMMF (Amul) is Asia’s largest, and the world’s 8th largest dairy company in terms of volume of milk handled (by International Farm Comparison Network 2020). In the year 2023 Amul has been recognised as the Strongest Dairy Brand in the World and 2nd Strongest Food Brand in the World (by Brand Finance, UK). Amul ranks as 3rd largest brand globally being picked up from shelves 6 billion times (by Kantar).
The Amul Model is also being replicated in the neighbouring countries of India and the countries of Africa continent.
This was stated by the Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.
(India CSR)