It’s not only the planet that needs saving though. It is the planet as we know it, our comfortable home and place of existence, that is at stake
HELIOZ, a social enterprise that accompanies businesses into a climate-neutral future, released its 2021 Annual Report, which includes its founder message and describes the activities of the HELIOZ GmbH for the year 2020-21. “HELIOZ is forging forward with our long-standing commitment of serving rural India through ensuring access to clean drinking water under our water and climate program.”, the organisation said.
In the annual report, message Martin Wesian, founder of HELIOZ strongly recommended, “We should rethink our economic system”.
“We’re neck-deep in water. What for some is an expression of urgency has become a sad reality for thousands of people this last year. Floods and hailstorms in front of our very doorstep have shown how quickly everyday life can turn into a crisis situation. Fires and unprecedented heat in the South showed us how fragile our “normal” reality can be. News and pictures about wildfires and floods dominated the media for weeks. We were left in disbelief, media coverage seemed to even forget about the ongoing fight against COVID-19 for a moment.”, Martin Wesian, founder of HELIOZ said.
He says that regardless of whether it ‘s floods or fires, one thing is indisputable: the weather extremes we’re experiencing right now are the result of human behaviour and our treatment of the planet over the last decades. This “anthropogenic impact”, i.e., human impact, caused by industrial revolutions, the usage of fossil fuels and disregard of forests and oceans, have clearly led to what could mean irreversible climate change.
Emphasising on Global warming Martin Wesian says, “We can’t say we weren’t warned. Experts have told us for decades that things are going to take a turn for the worse. There has been proof and scientific evidence for years. Global warming has been a fact and topic for years however now that we are in a climate emergency we are just starting to listen.”
According to him, “Stopping climate change has gained momentum in the public discourse, the phrase “save the planet” has even been widely adopted in advertising, on social media, and in company communication.”
“It’s not only the planet that needs saving though. It is the planet as we know it, our comfortable home and place of existence, that is at stake.”, he said.
“It will become quite uncomfortable for us humans on earth if we don’t radically rethink how we treat our planet. CO2 emissions don’t have a return address, we need to work on a global scale to reduce and compensate what we emit. We should rethink our economic system, we as individuals should rethink our consumer behaviour.”, he added.
So should companies need to play a role, he outlined, “We need to take responsibility! As companies, we should re-evaluate, reduce, and compensate our emissions, and take charge of the actions in our supply chains and of our consumers to heed the call to action. Let’s encourage and work towards net-zero targets. Let’s encourage our customers to adopt mindful behaviours. Let’s do our best to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
He has a hope, “We have simple technological solutions at hand and ready, we have all the knowledge. We have the possibility and the opportunity for a Future Economy. Let’s start creating it – and let’s start today!
(India CSR)