State-run SJVN Ltd on Friday said it has spent over Rs 340 crore on various activities under corporate social responsibility, including education, health and infrastructural development, among others since its inception in 1988. “Since inception, SJVN has spent more than Rs 340 crore in various CSR activities in the verticals of education, health, sanitation, infrastructural development, women and child care, sustainability, assistance during natural calamities, etc.,” Nand Lal Sharma, CMD, SJVN, was quoted as having said in a statement.
He said SJVN has always been at the forefront of its role as a responsible corporate citizen and has been pioneering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities toward its stakeholders and society.
SJVN has been conferred with the 13th CIDC Vishwakarma Awards 2022 in the categories of ‘Corona Warriors Award’ and ‘Partners in Progress’, Sharma said.
Geeta Kapur, Director (Personnel) & Chairperson, SJVN Foundation, has also been honoured with the ‘CIDC Chairman’s Commendation Trophy in the Individual Capacity’.
The Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC), which was set up jointly by the erstwhile Planning Commission and the Indian Construction Industry, is an umbrella organisation for the construction industry in the country.
The awards have been received by Geeta Kapur, Director (Personnel) from P R Swarup, Director General, CIDC, at a function held in New Delhi, the company said.
Kapur said that SJVN distributed safety and hygiene items like masks, gloves, PPE kits, sanitizer, disinfectants, etc. to the masses during the peak period of the COVID-19 pandemic.