This Children’s Day, handwritten letters by children using ‘Pollution Capture Pencils’ by Otrivin Breathe Clean, urge everyone to take simple actions to build a better future
New Delhi: Otrivin’s Actions to Breathe Cleaner program recently announced the launch of its new initiative called ‘Pollution Capture Pencils’ which turned pollution waste by-products into pencils for children. As a part of this initiative, Otrivin Breathe Clean installed twenty-two sustainable and self-cleaning air purifiers to improve the air quality of approximately one thousand school children. The pollution residue collected from these air purifiers was then mixed with graphite to create ‘Pollution Capture Pencils’. These specially produced, and designed, pencils were used by school children in Delhi NCR to write over 1000 open letters to adults urging them to take small actions to help them breathe better.
Poor air quality is not only a health issue, but also affects children in other ways. When air quality is poor, children cannot go outside to play or must attend online classes in isolation without their friends and classmates as schools are closed. Through these 1000 open letters, children have shared their pollution stories with the world, talking about how air pollution is impacting their lives and what small steps they are taking as young kids to make this world a better place. The heartwarming letters share personal incidents and anecdotes from these children’s lives.
The ‘Pollution Capture Pencils’ are acting as instruments of change for the school children. A common thread binding the words of over a thousand children, is a desire to live in a pollution free environment and a wish that every individual make small amends to build a better future. Children also urge adults to take small yet impactful actions like participating in a tree planting drive, turning off their cars while waiting at a red light or to commute using a public transport.
This Children’s Day, Otrivin Breathe Clean encourages adults to take a pause to listen to the voices of children and give them this special gift, the gift of breathing clean.
Otrivin Breathe Clean is committed to helping people breathe better and this initiative is a step towards bolstering this commitment. The Actions to Breathe Cleaner initiative is trying to put the menace of air pollution centerstage in the minds of citizens of India by not only highlighting the problems it causes, but also by suggesting easy everyday actions that can combat it.
Bineet Jain, Pain & Respiratory Health Lead, India Subcontinent, Haleon added: “Rising levels of air pollution in Indian cities is a big problem and children are one of the most vulnerable groups exposed to it. The ‘Pollution Capture Pencils’ have been used as instruments of change by children to express themselves through heart-warming letters. The letters make us realize the world that we live in through the eyes of children. These letters struck a chord with me, and I am sure they will appeal to everyone at large. If each one of us can take a small action to breathe cleaner, then together we will make this a better world for our future generations”
Sandipan Bhattacharyya – CCO and MD, GREY Group, India said “When a message for change comes from the ones who contribute the least to pollution, but are the worst affected, it’s bound to be compelling. This is a campaign to trigger introspection and action. So, we hope these letters from children, written with pencils made from carbon extracts from polluted air, makes each one of us take a small step for change.”
The initiative doesn’t end just yet. It will continue to take the Actions to Breathe Cleaner program to greater heights. Otrivin Breathe Clean will soon announce upcoming events and developments.