The ‘National Workshop on CSR & Brand Communication’ has been postponed on grounds of participation and stakeholders response.
IndiaCSR News Network
NEW DELHI: The ‘National Workshop on CSR & Brand Communication’ which was scheduled on June 19 at PHD House, New Delhi has been postponed on grounds of lower response from the various stakeholders as well as targeted participants.
IndiaCSR will soon announce the new date of this esteemed workshop. We are hopeful to organize the event to the earliest next date.
With CSR becoming mandatory in India, investors will be demanding smart utilization of the CSR budget to deliver business returns too. This poses a tough challenge to CSR Leaders/Directors as it requires an understanding of society’s needs as well as the business and how to create win-win solutions for both. With more and more companies adopting such tactics, it is unlikely that CSR will continue to be a purely non-business activity for long.
In CSR there is always the dilemma that while serving society and other stakeholders one is doing so at the expense of investors whose money is being used for CSR. This sometimes makes companies half-hearted about their CSR.
The solution to this lies in doing CSR that works for both society and business so that investors get some benefit from their investment in CSR. A program that works for both society and business enables companies to be more committed to their CSR. If the workshop is successful then it will encourage the company to increase their investment in CSR.
Branding & Communication: The central driving force of most evolved businesses is their brand. Branding drives value in many areas of the organization such as marketing, HR etc. and strengthening the brand has far reaching effects. Internationally many companies align their CSR with their brand as a means of brand building.
In India companies have started aligning their CSR with their brand and communicating this to their stakeholders. There however is a large knowledge gap in this space that needs to be addressed urgently.
An Evolving Requirement: As companies look at CSR to build and strengthen their brand, it is important for CSR Heads to understand how CSR can impact their brand internally and externally.
Branding is not only about promotion or communication but even about the company’s processes and beliefs. There are many issues to be considered from what CSR should be done, in what manner, how it can impact the brand internally and externally and whether it should be communicated or not and if so how.
Relevance : This one day workshop will be relevant to companies who want to align their CSR with their brand and get maximum branding advantage from their CSR programs. In doing so they will be able to help their business without compromising on the great work they do for society. Attendees should ideally be senior level CSR managers, CSR Heads, Marketing Heads who want to learn how to make CSR work for their brands. PSUs can benefit immensely from this program.
objectives :
Help professionals develop an educated perspective of CSR,Build awareness of the legal aspects of CSR and adherence to these,enable self-assessment of the corporates strengths and weaknesses and means of using CSR to supplement these.
Developing a CSR workforce who can develop clear CSR strategies to the benefit of their organization,Skill development in implementation of CSR.
Understand CSR reporting practices,Appreciation of the best practices involved in CSR,Building & understanding of the business implications of CSR.
Drive competitive advantage through CSR,Build sustainability of CSR by making it deliver for both society and business.
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