NEW DELHI: Oxford University Press (OUP), the world’s largest university press has launched Aadi Paadi Tamizh Padi (learning Tamil through song & dance), a course series for primary school students, designed to generate interest and develop awareness on the richness of the Tamil (Tamizh) language.
This comprehensive, yet simple Tamil course, is broadly based on the TNSCERT curriculum, and endeavours to make teaching andlearning of Tamil a more enjoyable experience for teachers and learners alike.
The course series was launched today in the presence of several distinguished guests and representatives of several schools from Chennai and adjoining areas. The key attendees at the event included Dr. V. Irai Anbu, IAS, Principal Secretary, Director Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai; Shyamala Ramesh Babu and Priya Bharat, both authors of the Aadi Paadi Tamizh Padicourse series; Sivaramakrishnan Venkateswaran, Managing Director, OUP India, Rema Arunachalam, Director – School Education Publishing, OUP India and Sanjoy Majumder, Associate Director – Sales, School Education.
Sivaramakrishnan Venkateswaran, Managing Director, Oxford University Press India said, “OUP is delighted to release a course in Tamil for primary school students, and I congratulate the authors and editorial teams for developing such an interactive and holistic series. I am confident that schools teaching Tamil language will find this series not just pedagogically advanced but also extremely student-friendly. He added “The development of this course series is another example of OUP’s firm commitment to language publishing.”
The Aadi Paadi Tamizh Padi course book series is designed to enhance the learning skills and develop language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) among the primary school learners. The lessons are designed along with activities, with well-defined learning objectives, learning outcomes, values and
life skills, thus, providing a holistic learning. The text books provide useful facts about the Tamil language and promote activity based learning modules. The series has a suite of features that enable enhanced learning, hones problem solving skills and helps to develop fluent communication skills.
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