Delhi: Network18 Group will launch ‘Netra Suraksha’ – India Against Diabetes campaign on 27th November 2021. The initiative aims to increase awareness about the risks of eye disorders due to diabetes and educate patients with diabetes to get their eyes checked regularly to minimize the risk of preventable blindness.
Presently, one in six people with diabetes in the world is from India. Because of a greater population with diabetes, there is a higher incidence of diabetic eye diseases among Indians. A survey conducted in 21 Indian districts by AIIMS, University of Hyderabad and the National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment has revealed that as many as 17% of diabetes patients suffer from retinopathy.
Through the Netra Suraksha initiative, Network18 Group aims to create an awareness programme that will also build effective and efficient partnerships. The initiative will lead to actionable conversations involving leading medical experts, leaders, think tanks and policymakers. The Netra Suraksha campaign will kick off with a series of Round Table discussions on 27th November, 2021.
The 45-minute-long launch session will have renowned health experts as panelists. The conversation would focus on detection, timely prevention & treatments of diabetes and diabetic eye diseases.
Puneet Singhvi, CEO-Digital & President – Corporate Strategy, Network18 Group, shared, “Network18 has always aimed to create awareness around health, environment and civic issues to push for a change at policy and behavioural levels. Today, diabetes has become a serious health concern for the country. With ‘Netra Suraksha’ initiative, we want to encourage and educate diabetic patients to get their eyes tested to prevent any loss the disease may cause to their eyesight.”
Dr. D Raja Narayan, Hon. Secretary, VRSI, shared, “VRSI appreciates the support of Network18 for spreading the awareness of diabetes and its effects on the eyes. This will benefit many of our patients from becoming blind or visually impaired.”
Dr. Bansi Saboo, President, RSSDI, added, “People often don’t realise the harm diabetes can cause to other organs of the body. The increasing incidence of diabetic eye disease is something that requires immediate attention of diabetic patients. I am sure that lakhs of diabetic patients across the country would benefit in terms of knowledge and understanding through the Netra Suraksha initiative.”
The initiative is being launched in partnership with Novartis India “It is heartening to see leading medical experts join this cause. We see this as an important step. However, we can’t do this alone. The patient communities, government, diagnostic companies, healthcare providers and other related stakeholders need to join this cause,” said Sanjay Murdeshwar, Managing Director and Country President, Novartis in India.
(India CSR)