Unique contents and overwhelming response of readers have made your favorite portal IndiaCSR.in No. 1 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) informer in India and it emerged No. 2 globally after CSRwire.com, according to Alexa Rankings, the most trusted web traffic ranking website, promoted by Amazon.com.
IndiaCSR: Providing Insight into the CSR Landscape
Through news, views, analyses and interactivity, IndiaCSR has been providing its readers a composite picture of India CSR scenario for the last 7 years. India CSR is one kind of unique innovation in the space of CSR journalism. The portal is being viewed by around 1 lac visitors where 50% are unique visitors. It is getting over 50 lac hits and over 25 lac pages being viewed per month globally. This is a remarkable achievement. The demand of CSR information reflects how society is taking keen interest in the affairs of the corporates. The CSR aspect of the organizations are the most discussed, debated and exchanged piece of information in comparison to other branch of the professions. Acceptance of CSR is rapidly growing. It is being accepted every where.
The Catalyst for Change: CSR in Response to Corporate Failures
The failure of corporate governance and corporate scandals, collapsing of big business houses, business misconduct and environmental issues raised a demand for CSR report and placed it as an important agent for change. Ultimately, these global issues directed a debate for CSR spending and mandate.
Mandatory CSR and its Implications in India
Now in India, it is mandatory by the Law to spend certain stipulated amount of the money towards addressing social challenges and to make the society a better place to live in. The field of CSR is so vast and dynamic that it is important for one and all to remain updated and well-informed with current issues and trends. We believes that now CSR is an integral subject for all.
CSR as a Growing Profession
We realize that CSR implementation demands information, participation, planning, resources, energy and technology to be a part of the solution. Now, CSR provides separate career option and opportunity globally. CSR is already in the process of becoming a separate profession of its kind.
India CSR Network: Advocates for Democratic Information Flow
India CSR Network believes that in democratic country like ours, there should be an uninterrupted generation and flow of information. We believe in values and carry value based descriptions rather being hypothetical. We are mirroring what is happening around in the contemporary environment. India CSR Network carry the dream to make India a sustainable democracy. Whenever we talk and discuss over a topic, we come closer to its real intent and meaning. We become familiar with the subject and ultimately are able to see the context of the subject in its totality. Also the hidden and unsaid, unseen dimensions.
Fostering Responsible Citizenship Through Information
This process makes us a sensitive and responsible human being. India CSR follows the said philosophy in totality. We believe that continuous flow of good information which carries goodness and welfare holds importance as democracy demands good and welfare sentiments. For us at India CSR, good information is that which inspires to do good and promote and spread the good.
Empowering Citizens Through Knowledge
We deeply believes that sense and sensibility leads to responsibility. Democracy can flourish to its fullest when its citizens know about their responsibilities. The sensible levels enable us to properly understand the scenario around us, particularly society and environment. Through its portal and forum, India CSR discusses, disseminates and entertains those information which inspire, motivate, to dream big and good.
Celebrating Democracy Through Discussion and Exchange
This ultimately makes us a passionately democratic citizen. Whatsoever is the domain, there is a need for discussion, information exchange, debate and proper networking. Through these efforts and practices we endeavour and celebrate the values of democracy. We are blessed with democratic right of speech and expression that is biggest gift any citizen can get.
Upholding the Right to Information
We feel honoured and dignified while satisfying or catering to interest and curiosities of information available in public domain. Our efforts and initiatives also fulfils the postulates of Right to Information. Good information takes time in rooting and spreading, at IndiaCSR we take this as a challenge and commit ourselves to make it possible.
About the author:
Rusen Kumar is the Founder and Managing Editor of India CSR
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