MUMBAI: Following the announcement of ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, IDBI Bank today announced plans to build toilets in schools in the rural areas under the corporate social responsibility projects. The bank would allocate of Rs 9 crore to build toilets at 300 schools located near its branches in rural and semi-urban areas.
“Swachh Bharat Mission is an extremely important national mission towards improving health and sanitation facilities of the people. This will also be an integral part of the efforts for spread of education among our rural populace, particularly to encourage girls to take up school education,” IDBI Bank Chairman and Managing Director M S Raghavan said.
Vedanta Group company Hindustan Zinc also announced today that it will construct another 10,000 toilets in Rajasthan. The company has already constructed 9,000 toilets out of its planned 30,000 in Rajasthan villages in collaboration with the state government.
Indian Merchants’ Chamber has set up a study group to develop design of maintenance-free toilets, its president Prabodh Thakkar said. Earlier, software major TCS and Bharti Airtel had announced allocation of Rs 100 crore each for construction of toilets in response to PM’s appeal.