India CSR Network
NEW DELHI: According to the latest available statistics, the Indian investment in science and technology in terms of Gross expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) during 2011-12 has been 36.2 billion US$ Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) whereas China, the US and South Korea invested 205.4, 429.1 and 58.4 billion US$ PPP respectively. However, India’s investment is higher than many countries such as Brazil 27.4, Canada 24.7 and Sweden 13.4, Mexico 8.1 and Finland 7.9 billion US$ PPP during 2011-12. In absolute terms, India’s national R&D expenditure during 2011-12 has been estimated to be of the order of Rs.72620.44 crore.
India invested 0.88% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) towards Research and Development (R&D) whereas USA and South Korea spent 2.76% and 4.04% respectively during 2011-12. However, the private sector contribution in R&D as percentage of GDP in India is only one-third while two-third is being contributed by the public sector. The private sector participation in India’s R&D has not kept pace with many developed and emerging countries in the world.
The Government has desired to invest 2% of its GDP on R&D during the XII plan period and has taken various measures for the promotion and growth of scientific research in the country. These measures include successive increase in plan allocations for Scientific Departments, setting up of new institutions for science education and research, launching of New Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013, creation of centres of excellence for research and facilities in emerging and frontline S&T areas in academic and national institutes, establishment of new and attractive fellowships, strengthening infrastructure for Research and Development (R&D) in universities, encouraging public-private R&D partnerships, recognition of R&D units, fiscal incentives and support measures for enhancing the participation of industry in R&D.
This information was given today by Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Dr. Harsh Vardhan in a written reply to Rajya Sabha question. (Source: PIB)