MUMBAI: Ahead of World Earth Day, L’Oréal India said that its manufacturing facility in Baddi, in Himachal Pradesh, has reached 100% neutrality for scopes 1 and 2 of carbon emissions defined by the Green House Gas protocol. Scope 1 includes emissions related to the use of coal, oil, and natural gas, and scope 2 includes emissions related to electricity, steam, and heat.
This achievement is in line with L’Oréal’s global sustainability commitment, L’Oréal for the Future, which states that all L’Oréal operated sites worldwide must reach carbon neutrality by 2025.
The company said that the Baddi plant has replaced conventional boilers with electric boilers to reduce diesel consumption to zero and has changed the source of electricity to a hydropower plant to reach 100% neutrality.
By improving energy efficiency and using 100% renewable energy, L’Oréal India aims to reduce its CO2 emissions and operate within planetary boundaries
Company said that L’Oréal India is committed to the communities that reside around its factory in Baddi and has implemented various socio-economic initiatives to uplift their lives and fulfill its sense of purpose.
The school near the Baddi factory, set up by L’Oréal India in partnership with the NGO Nirmala Niketan, provides free education to about 200 students between the age group of 6 to 14 years. The company supported the Government of Himachal to provide critical oxygen equipment, medical supplies, food, and hygiene kits for COVID-19 relief.
To uplift and help women impacted by the COVID fallout, the company initiated a livelihood support program to help to rebuild their lives. As part of the global solidarity program – L’Oréal India collaborated with the Primary Healthcare Centre around Baddi, to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to medical personnel along with food and essentials to migrants and their families.