Bhadrak – Adani Foundation – the CSR wing of Adani Group of companies is working with about 9000 women in reproductive age group, 4000 adolescent girls and 3500 children of 13 GPs under project SuPoshan.
The aim of the project is to reduce malnutrition among the children and anemia among the adolescent girl and women.
The project SuPoshan envisages “Sanginis” to play a vital role as change agent for community mobilization and capacity building to support efforts in reducing Infant Mortality Rate and Maternal Mortality Rate in Bhadrak district.
Considering the high prevalence of the Severely Acute Malnourished (SAM) children in the vicinity an exposure visit of these Sanginies were made to Nutritional Rehabilitation Center, Bhadrak to make these change makers – Sanginies aware on the processes, criteria and benefits of NRC.
The purpose of the initiative is to help the Sanginies in rendering the required counseling to the mothers and take or refer the Severely Acute Malnourished (SAM) children for necessary treatment and care at NRC for the wellness of these SAM children and bring them to normal health condition.
During the visit, the processes, government schemes, criteria, limitation were explained to the visitors by Susree Sangita Sahoo, NRC Coordinator through theoretical and practical presentation. She also highlighted on facilities available by government for malnourished children at community level.