Indus Towers has contributed Rs 35 Cores to the PM-Cares Fund, partnering in supporting the fight against COVID-19.
“We are humbled to contribute towards the PM-CARES Fund and laud the government’s efforts in managing the current situation. In these extraordinary times I also want to acknowledge our field force who are committed in Putting India First by providing seamless connectivity to the society.”, said Bimal Dayal, CEO, Indus Towers.
“Besides this, there has been a whole-hearted effort from employees to donate towards food, masks, sanitizers and other PPE in close coordination with state authorities,” he added.
The employees also made a collection to distribute vital Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks, sanitizers, gloves, full body suits, sanitization kits, etc. to the medical professionals like doctors, nurses, para medical staff and to the police and administration who are at the front of this battle against the Corona Virus.