MUMBAI: Disabled Sporting Society announced its association with Big Brother Foundation, a Sachiin Joshi initiative (CSR arm of Viiking Ventures), for the Physically Disabled Indian Cricket Team who are heading to Singapore for a 3-Day tournament from 25 to 27 May, 2018 to participate in the prestigious Alan Border Cup for the Physically Disabled.
The press conference which was held in Mumbai, which was address by Rashid Khan – CEO, Sachiin Joshi Disabled Sporting Society, Haroon Rasheed – Secretary, Disabled Sporting Society, Suvro Joarder – Captain of the Physically Disabled Indian Cricket Team, Mohinder Amarnath (ex-Indian Cricketer), Abhishek Jain – ADR Creations and Hiten Tejwani.
Report based on statement.
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