New Delhi. In its humble bid to contribute to a national cause, Dalmia Bharat Group, one of India’s leading conglomerates, has committed Rs. 25 crore to PM-Cares Fund as part of its endeavour to assist the government’s massive efforts against COVID 19.
“Both the centre and state governments have done an exceptional job to contain the outbreak of COVID in India. India’s strength is its United citizens and loving hearts. We are doing our duty by making a small contribution to PMCARES and will whole heartedly do everything to support our PM and State CM’s in their efforts to fight this virus’ said Mr Puneet Dalmia, MD, Dalmia Bharat Group.
Ration, grocery and accommodation is being provided to all the contractual labourers who were stuck due to the nation-wide lockdown and stoppage of all transportation.
Apart from this, over 100 food packets are being provided twice every day to the local Municipalities and Police to be distributed among needy and homeless near all the plant locations.
Dalmia Bharat Group has also committed the use of playgrounds, guest houses and technical centres across all plants to the local authorities for using them as facilities for tackling Covid 19 cases. The canteens of the Dalmia Bharat factories across India are also being used to prepare food for local distribution in the regions.
The plant heads at various locations are also reaching out to communities on a regular basis and providing them all help including food and medicines.
In order to ensure that no employee faces any uncertainty during these times, the company has paid salary to its employees ahead of schedule while contractual workers are being given bi-monthly payments to buy essential commodities.
As it is imperative to ensure both physical and emotional wellbeing of the employees, Bhagavad Gita sessions are being held every morning for employees, giving them an opportunity to look at life holistically and remain relaxed and calm.
The company has also launched online sessions for teaching Values through Stories for Employees children teaching basic human values like truthfulness, compassion, and service.
Both these programmes have generated positive feedback from the employees.
The Dalmia Bharat Group urges its employees to continue to be vigilant and alert and remain committed to steering the nation to safety against the dreaded disease. It has also encouraged dealers and business partners to come forward and contribute generously towards this cause.